Crushes & Summer

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Holy shit you guys. I am so fucking happy rn. One because I literally have less then one more day of school left and two because I think the guy I like might like me back!!!!

Of course I need proof right? Well bitch, I got some. Let's start from the beginning shall we? Ok so after me and my ex girlfriend broke up I was instantly on the hunt for new meat (what can I say? I'm a true playa) I started talking to my very first boyfriend again and I still am. I'm not exactly sure if I like him 100% percent but he's and option but anyways back to the story.

I started talking to this guy, Jay. He's a really cool guy who's funny, nice, sweet, HOT AF, and hella tall. He's taller then me and I'm very tall for the people in my grade. He's like 5'10 I think so I'm hella blessed. But we started talking and flirting and shit and a few days past and then we were all back in the class together. I have a kind of friend, her name is Kenzie and she told me that she likes him which made me a lil sad and mad. But I mean I know he would never date her cause he said he wouldn't. But fast forward to today/ Wednesday. Kenzie, Jay, me and Sarah were all sitting in a circle chilling and talking. We start talking about dating and relationships and I go "I really need a boyfriend."

And when I say that he motions towards himself. And I'm all like 'Whoa'. We just laugh it off and shit. And after a while he starts telling us about relationships he has been in. He says, "I'll never date a black girl again they cause too much drama." (He's mixed/half black) (I'm also not bashing people of color so pls don't hate me)

I replied with, "Then date a white girl." Kind of hinting towards myself. (I'm biological a female). And we all laugh it off again. Oh and I forgot before all that had happened, he asked me for my number so we could talk during the summer too.

Back to what happened, after all that a friend and I were walking down the hall together and he was in front of us. My friend goes, "I think Jay like you."

And I was all like "No he doesn't."

So she starts screaming his name. And I can tell he's ignoring us, finally when he gets to the door that leads outside he turns around and my friends asks him.

"Do you like ______?" <birth name

To which he replied, "Yes."

I was internally freaking out so all I said was,

"Awwww I like you too, Jay!" I reach to hug him but my friend pushes me away from him. He walks outside and I'm trying to catch up to him but right when I was near him a good friend of mine came up and hugged me, pulling me away from him.

I was about to say to him, "If you wanna date me, hit me up."

But I went on my bus freaking out. I was and still so happy. I told my friend Jess what had all happened and she said that she has the first 2 periods of the day with him. SHE SAID THAT SHE WOULD ASK HIM IF HE LIKES ME. AHHHHH. AND I TOLD HER IF HE SAYS YES, MAYBE OR SO SO THAT SHE SHOULD TELL HIM TO HIT ME UP. I AM FREAKING OUT.

If he says yes I might die. Luke not even kidding. I want to move on from my ex and I really like this guy!! There's only one small problem. Kenzie. She likes him too but tbh I don't care. Hunny if I want dick, imma get it.

But thanks for listening to my rambles!

-Red out!!! ❤️💛💚💙💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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