Chapter 15

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Mar's P.O.V

"Why Jaden , Why ?"

"because .... I still have a crush on you" he said shaking and left almost running.
I felt like I couldn't breath , I have astma so this is not good for me that every time something is too strong for me I can hardly breath , I felt so dizzy. I noticed Justin running to me.

"Mar are you Ok?" he held me and started to help me breath normal.

"Come on breath with me" he was breathing with me and trying to calm me.
Before I noticed I was crying and hugging him.

"Hey !! What's wrong?" he hugged me tight.
He noticed I couldn't talk or anything so he took me to his house. He didn't stopped hugging me since we got out of the car , he took me to his room.
We were laying on his bed cuddling , I was with my head on his chest and he was playing with my hair.

"So what's wrong?"
I looked up to his face and I looked back down.

"I think I judged Maggie too fast" I didn't wanted to tell him about Jaden yet.

"I know that's not it , something really bad has probably happened because of your reaction , come on tell me" we sat on bed in front of each other and looked at each others eyes , he held my hand and said "Come on Mar , you are making me worried" he looked at me with his beautiful honey eyes.

"It's Jaden" I said shaking.

"What happened to him , did he kissed you again??" his eyes opened wide.

"Noo... He is the one who told the press everything , he said he still has a crush on me and i just ..." i felt like I couldn't breath again , I started breathing heavily , Justin hugged me and calmed me.

" I just can't ..." Justin cut me off.

"Shhh... Don't talk we are gonna deal with this tomorrow now let's go to sleep" he gave me sweat pants and t-shirt , he went to change on the bathroom and I changed on his room. I got a text from Harry I noticed the name he wrote on my phone "Harry <333" I giggled and opened the text.

"Hey how are you ? I got a little worried by how you left I saw you didn't felt So good :( , are you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine thanks "I replied to him and put my phone on the little table next to bed.

"Hey babe are you okay now?" Justin came back from the bathroom.

"Yes I'm fine" I smiled at him and he laid next to me. We were face to face , he gave me a little kiss and we cuddled. He sang to me "Be alright" till I fell asleep.

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