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Tyler came and joined our football game. Soon we had a whole crowd and we would dive in the water for the stupid football. I found myself smiling a lot, which was strange to me. I liked it, but it was strange.

"Hey Jaz!" Jake yells. He's the farthest possible person from me, which he did on purpose. I brace myself. "Bet you can't catch this one!" He pulls back his arm and suddenly the football is doing a perfect spiral way up in the air. I move back, knowing it's going back even further than I am. I can see it coming down, right towards me, and I catch it.

I actually caught it.

The boys went wild and a few of the girls applauded me. I just grinned and chucked it to the guy beside me. Jake gave me a proud smile, and that was all I needed.

Tyler hadn't said a word to me, but his mood had picked up. I noticed he stared at me a lot and while it made me uncomfortable, his stare wasn't as hard and judgmental as we went on.

The day wore on, and Victoria did eventually show up, but it was only for a brief moment and solely to kiss Tyler before going back to work. I didn't mind her being there, as her life was not my responsibility. Tyler, after that, seemed off however.

As we were sitting at the bonfire that night, I found myself sitting next to Tyler. Jake was off somewhere and I wanted to speak to Tyler but I couldn't form words. "Did you have fun?" Tyler finally asks me. "I mean, after the whole thing with me?"

"It got better when you enjoyed yourself too." I tell him gently. Conversation flits in the background, but I seem to be able to focus solely on him for a moment.

"You never cease to amaze me." Tyler says, a small grin on his face. Fire dances in Tyler's blue eyes, making an orange light move wildly in the depths of his ocean.

"What do you mean by that?" I question.

"You have such a good heart that it makes me angry but it's impossible to be mad at you at the same time. You care so deeply about everyone except yourself and you forgive repeatedly when people don't deserve your forgiveness." He chucks a rock into the fire.

"I give because I have been given much." I say slowly. Tyler just scoffs and shakes his head.

"You've been dealt a lot of bad cards Jasmine. But somehow you manage to win the deal every time." He looks me over closely and I suddenly feel the seriousness behind his words. "You're a special person Jasmine, and you deserve a lot better than what I've been giving you." He puts his head down. "I'm sorry."

"I accept your-"

"Jaz! You wanna go skinny dipping?" Jake asks, sitting back down beside me, a large grin on his face.

"I will do nothing of the sort!" I stand as if to get away from him but he pulls me back down.

"You will do everything of the sort if I say it's for your benefit. And since I am your fun coach I say it's for your fun benefit." He laughs as I shake my head. Tyler shakes off the serious words he'd just said to me and offers a smile.

"C'mon Jaz, let loose, a bunch of us are doing it!" Tyler elbows me playfully and I try not to act too shocked by his actions. Jake can't hold back his shock.

"And by a bunch of you, you mean boys." I respond with a pointed look. My easy response has Jake all confused and I want to explain but Tyler intrudes once more.

"There are a couple girls doing it." He smirks.

"But I'm not like those girls." I say gently and Tyler nods, knowing full well that I was nothing like the couple girls who were doing it. "But you go ahead, have fun." I offer.

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