{Chapter 1:} New Beginnings

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The morning sun shinned down onto the Castle walls, through the stained glass making the rooms more brighter than the room lights can. Running footsteps can be heard across the hall as it gets louder and louder as the doors began to open the throne room. It was huge, of course. The throne chairs colored in gold and red, paintings on the walls of their family and the places they've been together, antiques hung on the walls and stood on the floor that where discovered and gifted by their people and friends from other various of places.

A tall woman with long white silver hair, down to her knees, sky blue eyes and slightly pale and tan skin, wore a beautiful blue dress with golden trims, turned and looked over seeing the big doors began to open, as she sees a young girl running into the room. The woman was in the middle of talking with her butler, Vladamire. 

"My dear, I thought I've told you, no running in the halls." spoke the woman. The young girl had long silver hair, just like her mother, even have her sky blue eyes. She wore her a navy blue dress with black trimmings and hints of gold into it, as she stopped in front of her, meeting the woman's eyes with hers.

"Apologies mother, but I had to run here ever since father said that you needed to speak with me and that I shouldn't waste any time!" said the young girl while trying to catch her breath a bit from running. Her mother shook her head slightly when hearing that. 

"Oh Your father, I swear...there is no rush.. even though it is important to discuss this with you, but still.." she whispered to herself. She looked back at her daughters eyes then. Her daughter looking back up at her and was wondering if its something serious. "Rosa, I just wanted to talk to you about the upcoming Ceremony tomorrow.." Rosa's eyes turned to curiosity, is something going to possibly happen? 

"The Ceremony for my sister? What about it? Shouldn't you talk to Cadenza about it? I mean.. it IS her Ceremony after all.." she said, as she was confused as to why her mother need to speak with her about this. The upcoming wedding ceremony of her Eldest sister being Wed that she was arranged to. 'Does my mother want me to do something? Get certain things prepared? A threat has happened? Oh..mother what could it be?' she wondered and thought.

"I wanted to know if you'd be able to help me out a little. I wanted to make sure this Ceremony goes very well. I 'll talk to your sister about the Ceremony to make sure she doesn't forget that this is a big deal. Which..Im sure she is aware." her mother said seriously. Rosa let out a giggle which sort of took the seriousness out of the conversation, temporarily. 

"I'm sorry mother, but this is my sister your talking about. You know very well that she knows how I'm-" "Rosa!" her mother interrupted, Rosa stops quickly and bow her head a little in shame. Her mothers eyes soften seeing her daughter bow her head a little and she walk over to her and softly have her hand on her cheek, making Rosa look up at her. 

"My dear...I just needed you to understand that I am in need your help, to make sure everything goes well.. I need you to be ready when the time goes for Cadenza to be the next ruler. I want you to try and protect her at least in case something goes wrong.. everyone across this country many are aware of this occasion and there's those who may oppose as threats will try to cause nothing but disaster.. and we cannot allow this. This is a serious task that I can only ask of you, and you alone, to do this. Do you understand what I am trying to say and ask of you..?"

Rosa looked into her mothers eyes, knowing her mother is begging her to try to keep Cadenza safe. Big ceremonies like this, especially considering their royal bloodline, even the ones that are involve in something so important such as this, can make any enemies of any kind to come and try to go after Cadenza, since she is the Eldest sister. Rosa nodded her head then, understanding her mothers words. 

"I understand mother.." her mother smiled softly. "good.. now please get your sister and you two can do whatever together while we make preparations for tomorrow. I need to make sure everything goes according to schedule. Time is of the essence." she said as she walks back to Vladamire. Rosa nods "Of course, mother!" she curtsy then at her mother and Vladamire, as he bows at her in return. Rosa soon left the room and close the doors behind her. She leaned her back against the doors after closing and took a deep inhale and sighs deeply then. 

"I just.. need to make absolutely sure that my sister stays safe...that's all what mother asked of me...I cant let her down" she takes a deep breath once again and stands up straight. "Alright!" she starts running down the hall and headed down to the hallway towards Cadenzas Bedroom.  

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