{Chapter 2} Ceremony

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Rosa runs down the hallway as she approaches her older sisters bedroom. She knocks on the door, as she hopes shes awake by now, or in her room still. "Cadenza? Are you awake yet?" Rosa can hear muffeld groaning noises, clearly a sign Cadenza isn't fully awake yet. She then sighs and grabs the handle "I'm coming in, sis." she said as she opens the door and closed it behind her, walking on over to the bed that laid a sleepy Elf maiden.

"Sis, come on, you need to get up! You can't possibly be sleeping in all day!" exclaimed Rosa as she placed her hands on her hips. Cadenza was laying in her bed next to the window, with the scenery of most of the town in Fillia. She was in her white night gown as she sat up and rubbed her tired sky blue eyes, with her white long hair all messy and slightly tangled from sleeping. She then yawned, making her eyes water afterwards.

 "..mph..Rosa...its too early...I'm not even fully awake yet." mumbled Cadenza. Rosa sighed and gestures to the clock in the corner of the room next to her desk. "Its not really as early as you think, you know. its 9:21 in the morning, you slept in so much." she said. Cadenza looked to her sister as she continued to rub her eyes a bit more and then scooted to the edge of the bed, stretching her arms out.

"well it feels early...what is all this excitement even about anyways...?" she asked looking at her, raising an eye brow. Rosa then leaps into the bed making her bounce from the mattress and Cadenza bounce as well. Cadenza looked to her, not that impress with her leaping on her bed like that. "Come ooooon Cadiiiiiee you promised that we would go over and visit Castana~! You know, that we always do and do fun stuff together!" Rosa exclaimed as she gives a pouty look to her big sister, hoping she isn't going to decline like the other times she has done, ever since the ceremony was announced. 

Cadenza couldn't help but break a soft smile, amused by Rosa making a silly pouty face. Plus she knows its been a while last they've done anything together.

"yeah..I did say we will go visit Castana's place didn't we..?" she exhaled and and gets up and stretched once again. "alright, just at least let me at least get dre-" "I'LL HELP~!" interuptted Rosa as she rushes to her sisters closet in such a hurry. Cadenza blinked in surprise watching her sister. "Y-You really don't ha-" 

"WHAAA-!" yelled Rosa cutting off Cadenza's words as piles of boxes and clothes fell onto her, burrying her. Cadenza stared and rubbed her face as she shook her head. "what am I going to do with you Rosa....you can be such a clutz, I swear.." she said as she have her hands on her hips. Rosa laughed nervously and pops out of the pile of clothes and gave a very silly childish grin. Cadenza rolled her eyes and smiled. "come on, if your really going to help me get ready, the least you can do is try not to make a mess in my room, okay..?" she asked. Rosa smiled "yes sis."

After Cadenza got dressed and was ready for their trip to Castana's place, they went over towards the stables to borrow some horses. They've soon headed over to the town in Fillia where Castana lives. As they arrive they tied down their horses to the palm tree and give their horses some carrots then. Rosa looked over to her sister "So, tomorrow will be the big day for my big sister, huh?~" Cadenza looked towards Rosa and raise an eye brow, unsure as to why Rosa brought that up. 

"Yes? Where you going with this, Rosa?" Rosa then goes over and gives a smirky smile. "Soooo~ have you been talking to your future husband~~?" she teased. Cadenzas face flustered a shade of red and pink across her pale skin face. "R-Rosanna, please!" she looked away quickly while blushing as she crossed her arms. "Why do you even want to know anyways? Your not even the one getting married tomorrow, you know!" Rosa grins as she beamed. "oh come on, I am just curious, is all! Besides, don't you like the guy?" she asked.

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