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"Harry come on." Harry's sister, Gemma, calls from outside his bedroom door.

"No. I'm not going out." Harry says curling up under his blankets. He's had an off day ever since yesterday. He's not sure why they had to yell at him. All he wanted to do was go out and walk around. Just needed to get fresh air but his mom wouldn't let him.

He's not sure what happened to his family. They were once a happy family. They would have family dinners every night and would also play games like monopoly and scrabble. Now it's just fend for yourself. Mom rarely ever cooked and when she did it was because she had someone important coming over.

His sister used to always take him shopping. Every weekend and even sometimes durning the week. They wouldn't buy much but it was the thought that counted. Now his sister was barely ever home. Always out with her friends or boyfriend.

"Harry come out. You can't stay cooped up in your room all day." Gemma says, Harry could imagine that she rolled her eyes after saying that.

"No. Go ask one of your friends. Seem to care more about them lately." He says, harsher than what he intended to. He hears Gemma sigh before footsteps where heard moving away from the door.

Harry sighs curling up under his blankets getting comfy again. His mind was racing with thoughts of why he was yelled at yesterday. His thoughts were interrupted tho from his door opening. Harry frozen knowing he locked his door.

"Get your butt up. Your coming with me today. I'm sorry I've been neglecting you lately. I'll buy you whatever you want. Just get up and spend the day with me before I move off to college." The voice that belonged to his sister said pulling the blanket off him.

"Fine fine I'm up." Harry says groaning sitting up stretching before squealing when a pair of pants came flying at him.

"Wear these. Who knows we might run into the one and only Tommo." Gemma says smirking before leaving the room to leave Harry to get dressed.

Harry rolls his eyes but gets up rushing to get dressed. He had a few hours before he knew Louis would need to leave. Usually the boys leave early so they are there early but he knows when Louis is alone he's always late. Maybe he will run into him today.

He hears his sister calling for him so he rushes out his room with his phone. He says bye to his mom before leaving with Gemma. He was actually excited for today. Not only because he might run into his idol but he gets to spend time with his sister.
They have been out shopping for a few hours. Harry getting some more skinny jeans and a few floral shirts. He also might have got a few girly things but no one had to know.

Harry smiles talking with his sister as they made their way into Starbucks. It was Gemma's favorite place to go when they were out. It was ok to Harry he just didn't like it that much. It was just coffee with flavoring. Any other coffee place tasted the same to him but his sister disagreed.

Harry just stands beside Gemma while she listed off her drink, it consisted of a lot of ingredients and he didn't know what it was called considering she was talking to fast. Harry just orders a small white chocolate mocha with whip cream. Simple but it was good.

Harry thanks the lady when he got his drink before going to turn around to go to where his sister sat down only to end up running into someone. His drink went all over him and the person he ran into and if that wasn't embarrassing enough, he fell backwards onto the ground.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." Harry stumbles out looking up at the person before freezing when seeing who it was. Today was just not his day.

"No no. It was all me. I wasn't watching." The angelic voice of the Louis Tomlinson said helping Harry up. "Are you ok though love?"

Harry blushes at the name nodding. "Y-yea yea I'm fine. I'm sorry I spilt my drink on you."

"It's fine. Most of it seemed to get on you though. How about you let me buy you anther drink and an outfit to change?" Louis asks smiling at Harry.

"N-no. I got a change of clothes. Um went shopping before we-um.. me and my sister came here." Harry says stumbling over his words his cheeks going a deeper shade of red.

"Well then. At least let me get you a new drink." Louis says looking at Harry fondly. Harry nods looking at Louis. "Great." He says before going to the counter ordering his drink along with Harry's.

Harry looks over at where his sister was supposedly at but didn't see her. Maybe she went to the store across from here. He was a little upset she wasn't there waiting but also happy that she didn't see him make a fool out of himself.

"Here you go love." Louis says handing Harry his new fresh cup of coffee. "Oh I didn't catch your name. I'm Louis the Tommo Tomlinson if you didn't already know."

"Oh I knew already. I'm a huge fan of you and the boys. I actually knew you were in London. I'm here visiting my sister with my mom. Kinda crazy how we both ended up here. London is a big place. I can't believe I ran into you." Harry says smiling before blushing realizing he was rambling. "S-sorry. I tend to r-ramble. I-I'm H-Harry." He says looking at the ground completely embarrassed.

"Harry is a pretty name for someone as pretty as you." Louis says smirking as he noticed Harry blushing harder. "I have to go now but it was interesting running into you."

"Wait! C-can I get a picture?" Harry asks looking up at Louis.

"Of course." Louis says smiling kissing Harry's cheek as he took the picture. "Hope to see you again sometime love." He says waving before leaving the store.

Harry mentally squeals jumping up and down not caring if he looked like a fool. He already embarrassed himself as it was anyways.

He couldn't wait to tell his followers.

This chapter was different. There will be more like this throughout the book.

Hope you liked it :)

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All the love :)

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