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Dreams come true, even if it's not exactly how you pictured it to happen. Some peoples dreams don't come true for a long time. Some peoples dreams come true just like that. My dream came true. I finally got noticed by the love of my life. At first I didn't think it was all real but who could blame me?

All that I could remember from the past years was that I would be constantly stuck behind a screen. Rather it be my phone or laptop, I was stuck on it. I was just your normal everyday fan. I would fanboy over every new picture of the boys, I wrote fan fiction about them, I blogged about them all day everyday. Who would have thought that I would be here, standing with security, in aa arena full of teenaged girls and boys waiting for my boyfriend and his bandmates to come on stage. Yea you heard me right. My boyfriend. Louis William Tomlinson. Mine. Wow.

I let my thoughts wonder, going to back to my life before I met Louis. Before I met my soulmate. I couldn't believe what all happened. How I even got Louis Tomlinson to be my boyfriend. If I were to tell myself three months ago that Louis would be my boyfriend, I would have laughed. I wouldn't believe myself. As if someone as big as him would ever want to date someone like me. I was wrong for thinking that.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when the entire arena erupted into screams. The intro video started playing showing all the boys acting all dumb. They would be pushing each other around, shopping baskets were involved. It was just chaos. But that was the One Direction we all knew and love.

The screens went black and the band starting playing. The screams got louder as the doors on the stage opened, the boys walking out singing the song. They waved at the fans, big smiles on their faces, eyes light up with adrenaline. I smiled big, singing along to the song training my eyes to my beautiful boyfriend. I loved watching him prance around stage and mess with the other boys.

Louis then started walking over to the section of the stage where I was causing the girls and boys in the section to scream louder. I smiled looking up green meeting blue. Louis face went brighter, his smile reaching his eyes as he started singing his verse. When his part was over, he mouthed 'I love you' before blowing me a kiss. I laugh shaking my head before doing the same back. He smiled even bigger, if that's even possible, before moving to a different part of the stage. After three songs in, the boys stopped to chat with the fans.

"O2 Arena! You guys look and sound beautiful tonight!" Niall speaks through his microphone looking around the arena. The fans screamed loud at that. "How are you doing so far? You all good?" He asks getting screams in return. Niall continued to talk while Louis found his way back over to me.

"Hello my beautiful love." Louis says sitting down on the edge of the stage looking down at me. I smile looking at Louis.

"Hello my handsome star." I say back grabbing Louis hand intertwining our fingers together. Louis smiles leaning down puckering his lips asking for a kiss. I laugh standing up on my tippy toes giving him what he wanted. Louis smiles into the kiss pulling me closer.

"I love you." He mumbles against my lips. I smile mumbling it back pulling away some.

"Love you a lot." I say pecking his lips hearing Niall introduce the next song. "That's your cue pretty boy." I say smiling as Louis kissed me one last time before getting up going to the other boys singing the next song.

I sighed running my hand through my hair watching Louis, ignoring the girls behind me mumbling about me. They weren't saying very nice things but I tried not to listen. That's a downside to dating someone famous but it's worth it because we love each other and that's all that matters.

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