@Pablo401's Human

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Name: Alex White

Age: 17

Sexuality: Straight

Looks: Black hair and ocean blue eyes

Clothes: White t-shirt, a white skirt, black shoes

Personality: Shy, blushes a lot and likes to tease sometimes

Backstory: A vampire walked up to her, looking weak, he had asked her for blood, he hasn't drank in a week and was going to die, Her, being the helpful girl she is, nods and let him drink from her, after he drank from her, he thanked her and hugged her, saying she had saved his life and walked away, and from that day, she knew vampires were friendly... not

Residence: She lives in a house with 4 rooms

Fears: Bad Vampires, lightning and thunder, being alone and the dark

Others: (Once she has someone) She will always sneak into his bed and sleep beside him

Likes: Hugs and cuddles, getting kissed on her neck and looking into one's eyes.

Dislikes: Being left alone, bad vampires, and sad people.

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