My Character - Vampire

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Vampire Form

Name/Nicknames: Adrian Gondour

Age: 19

Sexuality: Bisexual

Looks: Media ^^

Clothing: Collared shirts, button ups, ties, jackets, pants, blazers, sleeveless shirts and tank tops.

Personality: Has a passionate side toward both genders. He loves to dominate, but also loves to be dominated. Adrian is calm and friendly toward people, even nice and generous. He loves to paint and has a very artistic side, he treats his slaves well. However when it comes to someone who is mean to him, he gets angry. He only wishes to be loved.

Backstory: His parents didn't want him so they abandoned him, he had to learn how to grow up on his own and he developed a kind heart. But he always feels as if he will never be loved.

Residence: McAliester's Mansion

Powers: Aura Perception, Power Sensing, Cryokinesis

Other: Shares a room to himself on the far side of the mansion

Likes/Dislikes: Likes nice people, hot girls, handsome guys, art, cookies, feeling loved. Dislikes spending nights alone, being alone, being hated.

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