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Gray's POV:

"Juvia!" I runned after him ignoring stares. Wow he's fast. "Juvia choto mate!!" "No!" I started to run faster. He leaves me no choice. I jumped on him. We rolled down the hill. We stopped rolling. He was on top of me and his head was on my p*nis. He groaned. His groan send vibrations. "Ah!" I shouted in pleasure. "Huh? Oh what is this its getting hard and it smells kind of weird but nice..............................GAH!! Juvia is very sorry!!" He backed away and started to freak out.
"Juvia is sorry! Juvia is sorry! Juvia is sorry! Juvia is sorry! Juvia is sorry! Juvia is sor-" I interruped him. "Its okay. Let go back in school. Sensei will be mad." "H-hai."

Juvia's POV:

J-juvia touched and smelled 'it' (##0-0##). Juvia started to pull her hair. That smell cant go out of Juvia's nose!! "Juvia is something wrong? Are you okay?" "Yeah totally okay! Juvia is great!" "You dont look like you you're okay, your face is red." "Juvia is okay." "Okay if you say so." We walked in a school and walked in a school gym. "Love birds are here~♡" "Oh shut up Mira." Gray-sama said and Mira pouted. Mira runned to Juvia. "Okay now Juvia you need to tell me every detail. Does it hurt?, Did you screamed for more or because it hurted?,Would you like to do it again with Gray?" "Huh? What does Mira mean?" "MIRAJANE!!!" "Umm I better run your boyfriend is mad bye bye!" Juvia blushed. "M-mira?!" Mira runned away. "Gray-sama what did Mira said. Juvia didnt get it." "Its better that you dont know." "Gray,Juvia where were you two?!" "Juvia is sorry Sensei it was Juvia's fault."Sensei looked at us with crossed arms. "Mine too." Gray-sama grabbed Juvia's hand. Gray-sama........"Sensei lets not give them detention. Just look at them Sensei. They are in love~♡♡." "MIRA!" "Okay but dont do that again." "Arigato Sensei." We bowed.

Mirajane's POV:

My OTP will come true!! I know that Juvia is a girl! She cant hide that from me! Time to make them together!!

My OTP will come true!! I know that Juvia is a girl! She cant hide that from me! Time to make them together!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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