The Fort; A Place Of Dreams

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“So, what do you think?” Chris asked, smiling.

I didn’t know what to say as I looked up at the amazing historical structure in front of me. Chris had led me away from the main path in the woods, and took me through all the undergrowth. I was nervous about getting lost; especially overnight since we had no path or anything to navigate from, but Chris knew exactly where he was going. He led me to a bunch of bushes and pulled me through, leading to an opening. I had gasped at how amazing everything looked.

In front of me was a wide meadow. The grass here wasn’t like the grass by the park. This grass was green, lively and full of wildflowers. It had the odd concrete block scattered here and there from the large, broken, abandoned fort that stood powerfully in front of us.

Its bricks where chipped and a dirty orange colour. There were large gaps in the wall here and there and you could see the inside was pitch black. It was like the set of a horror movie, but it looked amazing. It looked like no one had been here in centuries!

The sun was setting and gave the place a warm orange glow, making everything seem… well like some fairy tale.

“Well?” Chris smirked.

“It… it looks amazing!” I gasped.

“You like it?” He seemed surprised.

“What’s not to like?” I asked. “Can we go in the fort? Please! Please, please, please!” I clapped my hands together and begged.

“Woah… you wanna go straight in?” He seemed surprised.

“Hell yeah!”

“… You are amazing.” He breathed.

“Thanks?” I mumbled, looking down at my feet.

I blushed furiously and made my way over to a huge gap in the wall of the fort.

“Does this place have a story I need to know about first?” I asked.

“A story?”

“Was anyone murdered in here? Will there be skeletons or anything?”

“Oh, nope. This place was built here a long time ago in case a war was to break out. They didn’t finish building it as you can see, but it’s completely stable. Just watch your feet inside, there are loose bricks everywhere and you literally can’t see a thing.” He warned me.

“This place is just…. Awesome.” I grinned as we both climbed into it.

He was right about not being able to see a thing! It was pitch black; I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face! I coughed a couple of times as the air was clogged with dust and dirt. I felt Chris hold my hand so we wouldn’t get separated and lost in the darkness.

“Follow me.” He said, and his voice echoed throughout the interior of the fort.

Somehow he seemed to know where he was going and he towed me along. I stumbled a couple of times because I’m clumsy and I couldn’t see my feet. It was cold in the fort, but that didn’t bother me. I followed behind Chris happily, completely in awe of this place.

“Here, there’s a gap in the wall. It’s really wide so we can sit on it. Don’t fall through to the other room though, there’s a bit of a drop!” He warned.

I heard some scuffling and scraping and the click of a lighter and soon enough a small candle had been lit. Chris handed it to me so I could see where I was going.

I saw the gap in the wall and it was really wide so I climbed on and sat cross legged with my back against the wall. There was enough light to just about see Chris light another small candle and sit opposite me with his legs crossed.

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