Saving Anna

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A/N: This is my first story, so beware of the awkwardness this has. This is a fictional story, the events are fiction. Some strong language, and some PG-13 sections. All rights reserved, my own story. This will be set into multiple P.O.V's. If you like this first chapter, please vote, comment, and follow!

Chapter 1

Anna's P.O.V

He did it again. I can't believe it. Actually, I can. My dad actually hit me, again. This is the second time he has done this. He doesn't love me. He never loved me. To him, I'm not his daughter, I'm his little maid. My mother just sits back and lets this happen. Of course he threatens her, but shouldn't she stop her monster of a husband from beating and treating their only child like garbage? Apparently not.

I honestly don't know why he hit me. Maybe it was because he was drunk. Or angry. Or just bored with himself. Whatever the case, I will not stand for it. I know he doesn't care if I live here or not. He doesn't pay any attention to me unless he's causing me pain.

I can usually tolerate the pain. Hold it all in. Not tonight. I bolted up the stairs after he had hit me. I ran straight into my room and into my bathroom. I locked the door so my oh so useful mother can't come in and check on the mess her home wrecker made. I couldn't hold in the hot tears. They fell down my face like the rain on a car window. I've had enough of this house. I've had enough of this life. I've just had enough. This, my friends, is when I traveled down the long road to depression.

Yeah, my life was so great before my father started to abuse me. I lived in a small town in Oregon. I went to the basic high school.  I had amazing friends, an amazing family, an amazing house. I wasn't popular, but I wasn't unheard of either. I had the normal life. My father is a lawyer, and my mother the basic stay at home mom. Since my father was a lawyer, we had a really nice house. I also got almost everything I wanted. 

I was your normal teenage girl. I got good grades, made friends easily, and was all around happy. That was until I turned 16. About a week after my sixteenth birthday, my dad kept coming home late. I had the suspicion that he was having an affair. My assumption was proven right when he came home with lipstick left on his neck. Man, did that stir up trouble. Of course my mother found out, and she couldn't do anything about it. My father wasn't really violent around us, but he had anger issues. Once my mother found out, she confronted him, and wanted to leave. He wasn't having it. He smacked her and told her that she was to stay. After that, my father just did as he pleased. He went out every night after work, got drunk, went to some random skanks house, got laid, and came home to yell at us, and tell us we weren't good enough. And that is the reason for the way he is.

I couldn't take this pain I was feeling anymore. I need to feel something else. I grabbed my razor off of the side of my tub and broke it. I pulled down my pants and slid the shiny blade along my untainted, pale thigh. The stinging felt so much better. Relief. I know that maybe hard to understand, but once you've been in my shoes you'd understand why I felt this was such a relief. I made at least 5 more bloody cuts along my skin. I put the razor down and watch the blood. This was like watching all my pain flood out. I finally found the strength to get up off the floor and hop into my bed. Tomorrow was going to be like hell.

 Yay! so that was Chapter 1! I'm sorry if it sucked. I'll try to update as soon as possible! Bye loves! and remember if you ever need to talk, i'm always here. I may not know what to say, but I can always listen. stay strong my beautiful butterflies. <3.

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