Chapter 15

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~Nicki's POV~
It's 2 o'clock and Tanya finally gets home from school. I stand up quickly from the couch. "Tanya! You have to help me find a dress for my date." "Ok calm down, at least let me put my stuff down. OK so let's go to your closet." We pick out a little black dress and some red heels. "Y'know, you just want a cute and simple outfit." "Yeah, thanks Tanya." Me and Tanya just chill until 7:30 and I go to get dressed. While I'm still upstairs I hear a knock at the door. "Tanya! Can you get that?" "Ok!"

~Safaree's POV~
I get out the car and walk to the door. I fix my tie, take a deep breath and knock on the door. The door swings open and Tanya is there. "Ohhh, looking real nice for Nicki, huh?" "Yeah." "Well you can come and have a seat Nicki will be ready soon." I sit down and five minutes later I hear Nicki talking to Tanya as she's coming down the stairs. I put my phone away and stand up. "Hey Safaree, how do I look?" She turns around so I can see her outfit. "She looks gorgeous!" "You look great Nicki." I say with a smile. "Thanks, you look good too." She smiles back at me. "Her smile is beautiful." "Well we should get going." I say looking at my watch. "I made reservations." "Oh, ok. See you later Tanya." Said Nicki. We walk to the car and I hold the door open for her. "Thank you." I get in and start driving. I park the car and I open the door for Nicki. "Ooohh, this is one of my favorite restaurants." Said Nicki. "How did you know?" "Just thought you might like it."

~Nicki's POV~
We walk in and we get our table. Me and Safaree make small talk. I look up from my phone and I see someone. "Nicki what's wrong?" "N..nothing, it's nothing." I look past Safaree again and I can tell who it is. Drake and Camilla. Safaree looks at me with concern and turns around. "Do you see them?" He turns back around and shakes his head yes. "But don't let it bother you Nicki." "O..ok." Our food comes and we eat. I actually started to enjoy the evening. I looked up from my plate and I make eye contact with Drake. My smile fades. "Nicki? Is something bothering you again?" "No I just need to use the restroom." I head to the bathroom and I walk in a stall. "Get it together Nic. You can't let him bother you anymore. You don't want him anymore." I take a deep breath to calm myself then I leave the stall. I look in the mirror to fix my hair when I see Camilla standing behind me. I turn around. "What do you want?" I ask, annoyed. "Nothing. It's just that you keep staring at Drake. What's up with you, guys?" "Nothing. I don't like him anymore." "Then why do you keep looking at him? You trying to steal him from me?" "Bitch you were the one who stole him from me! Calm down Nic, she's not worth your time." "First of all, I was with him first. Second,..." Camilla got so mad she jumped on me and started pulling my hair. She spoke between every pull. "!" I pushed her off me and stood over her. "Don't you ever put your hands on me again!" I start to walk out when she grabs my ankle causing me to fall. I kick her in the face and I run out the bathroom. Everyone looked at me crazy but I didn't care. I just wanted to get out of there. "Nicki! What happened to your hair?" "No time to explain we have to go now!" I look over at Drake's table and I see Camille talking to Drake and pointing at me. I leave a check on the table and we leave. We get in the car and sit there. "So what happened?" Asked Safaree. I told him how Camille attacked me because she thought I liked Drake. "That's crazy." "I know that's why I really needed to get out of there." I hear someone call me name and Drake comes up to my window. He makes a hand motion telling me to roll down my window. I roll it down. "What do you want?" "Why did you attack Camilla?" "That bitch changed up the story!" "She attacked me first. I had the right to self defense." "I don't believe you." He said leaning on the car. "I Think your jealous." "Jealous? Of her? Drake I moved on." "Well she said you guys were fighting over me." "No, I only fought her because she jumped on me first. Like literally jumped." "I still think you still like me." Said Drake with a smirk forming on his face. I started to get annoyed. "Drake, I don't have time. I'm tired and I really wanna go home so bye." I rolled up my window and Safaree drove me home.

~Tanya's POV~
I finally hear Nicki and Safaree walk through the door. I pause my movie and I go to see them. "Hey, whoa Nicki what happened to your hair?" "She got in a fight with Drake's girlfriend." Said Safaree hanging up Nicki's jacket. "She's stupid to think that I still like his cheating ass. She's stupid to still be with him." Said Nicki. She started walking to the kitchen. "Tanya! What the hell is this?!" "Shit! Is it what I think it is?" I slowly walk to the kitchen and Safaree follows. "She holds up a ball of something green." "I must have dropped it when I was putting it away!" "What's this?" "Weed." I say quietly. "Tanya are you smoking this?!" I nod my head yes. "Tanya, do you know what smoking does to your body?! Plus, this shit is illegal, you can get arrested for having this!" She keeps yelling on and on. She didn't even ask why and I'm getting upset. "Stop. Stop. Stop!" She finally stops yelling. "I only smoke because it's my getaway. When I think about what my mom and dad did I smoke and I forget for the moment. I sell it too so of course I would smoke it." "When do you have time to sell?" "Sometimes I go after school or when I go to Sharika's. And I saw my dad when I was making a delivery, he was the one who needed the weed. He tried to act like we were still family, and he had already moved on I think he has a girlfriend now." "Aww, Tanya, my dad left us too." Said Safaree. "Yeah so did mine. He was a drug addict." Said Nicki. I started to cry. Safaree hugged me. "It's OK, T. Me and Nicki will help you through this. But drugs are not the way, ok?" "O..ok. Thanks guys." Nicki and Safaree help me clean out my room and when we were done Safaree went home. Nicki cooked me some dinner. "Oh Tanya, before you go to bed I wanna let you know that I will be picking you up from school since I don't trust you to come straight home." "Ok."On that note, me and Nicki go to bed.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Lots of stuff happened. Nicki and Camille fought and Tanya got caught for her weed. Better to get caught by your parents than the police right?

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