Chp 6 :)

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Q: Do you like waffles?

A: YUSH!!! Now where's my maple syrup....

Q: What's it like to know someone as fabulous as me!


Oh, also, I forgot to mention in one question....

Q: What is your favorite SkyDoesMinecraft quote/saying?

Other A: I also laughed my head off when I watched "The Basement". I loved Adam with his "AM I THE ONLY ONE SEEING THIS CRAP!?!?" I need to get that on a shirt! XD

Q: Who do you owe all of your success to? (Besides Sky, and I don't know if this question was already asked.)

A: Well, I'll say for sure that if it wasn't for MissCierra, I woud have never found fan fiction, and never gotten wattpad. Thank you Cierra.

Q: Q: f you could bring 5 of your MAJOR FANGIRLS. ( Like meh.)

with you and meet team crafted, what 5 fan girls would you bring?

A: Oh I'd bring you all!

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