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  I was the largest snake on the map. Number 1 on the leaderboard. I'd worked so hard to achieve that rank, playing hours of everyday. Of course, as every normal person would, you'd start out terrible at  You'd rage, scream at the game, and die everytime, thinking that you'd never get to the leaderboard. You compared the game to, claiming that it was worse than because you were horrible at it. In that moment, I wasn't thinking. Believe me, I wish I had been thinking. I wish my mind had still had its security set on high, but it wasn't. I wasn't thinking. No thoughts crossed my mind when that stupid fucking snake crossed my path.

Now if you want to feel me, think of this. mixed with a shit. I sucked at playing this game. I hated life. But.. I JUST KEPT PLAYING... The little shit kept following me everywhere. I tried sprinting to get away from him, but it didn't help. He just kept on following me. I was getting tired of his bullshit, so in my attempts I tried to circle him. It didn't work. He dodged everything. I kept on attempting to circle him, nothing worked.If I can recall, I almost died trying to circle him. Thanks to my luck, I didn't. Just as I was trying to get to another snake, so I could kill it, and take its mass, since it was quite a large snake, probably second on the leader-board. I thought to myself, "If I take his mass, I'll become 50,00 mass!" these thoughts had taken over my head. 

I wanted to kill that snake. Greediness was taking over me, I wasn't thinking properly. I smirked, getting very greedy. All I wanted was that mass. I could have a record of the day! So, I sprinted, trying to catch up to the other snake. Just as I was about to cut in front of him and steal all his mass, I forgot to keep an eye on the little snake that was following me! "Oh no..." I thought as I watched the little snake slowly sprint towards me, slowly making his way to cutting in front of me. And he did it... He did it.

 I watched in horror as that little shit cut in front of me, kill me, and slowly sprint towards the large, glowing balls of mass that belonged to me, now floating on the ground. I was a strong snake, a very large snake. I hoped to have a record of the day, but no, that wasn't going to happen anytime. I watched as the little snake slowly became larger, and larger... taking all of my mass. What once was mine, was now his.

 The fiery burst into my veins, really ready to pop a vein any moment. "That little.." I stopped and smirked. 

He wants to play, he'll play then. I clicked, changing my snake to the purple and orange one and clicked play. 

My name was simple, and I didn't look too complex.

6 minutes in I glanced up at the leader-board. The one little guy that killed me was now on the top of the leader-board. So much had changed since I died, in over a few minutes... I was determined, to get my revenge and kill him, and quickly get all of my mass back. I smirked. Hopefully this was going to work, since he seemed more skilled than I was. Still, nobody can take my mass and get away with it. They'll have to put up a fight in order to take my mass. FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now