Venturing into the Unknown... And the Past?

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"Well, technically a werewolf, who has a summer home here! And-"

"Enis, please, we don't want more attention drawn to us, we have monsters on our tail, and a bandit that could wake up at any moment." Mark stated as they trampled on into the forest.

"Well, sorry. I was only trying to help."

"Enis, it's okay. I know you're trying to help, but Mark's right. We shouldn't encounter more monsters, I don't want to get on anyone else's bad side." Dodger reassured the group.

"Oh, alright. Where do you suggest we go?" Enis questioned.

"I... don't actually know." Dodger said.

For about a half an hour more, all was silent.

"It's about mid-day, how about we go find something for lunch, hey?" 

"Good idea, Mark." Dodger stated.

"Good. Enis, you go find some berries, and Dodger, you try to find things for us to camp out on while looking out for monsters. I'll hunt the perimeter."

"Aww, why do I have to find the berries!" DX

"Because you're Enis, the friendly, sparkly, vampire. And you couldn't kill anybody."

"Well... I could rip their face off..." Enis mumbled to himself.

"I'm sorry. Enis did you say something?" Mark called as he trotted away with his machete.

"No." Enis yelled back.

They all went their separate paths.

Although, Enis could sense something was off in he forest. He could sense there was danger lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce at any moment...

"Boo!" Mark shouted, startling Enis. "See? You're nothing but a big softy."

After taking a moment turned away from Mark, Enis replied, "Mark, don't do that! You... scared me!"

"Haha alright. I see you got enough berries for us to eat with a deer I caught in the forest. Let's head back and check on Dodger."

"Mmm... Mokay."

They turned around, and started to trot back to the base sight, where Dodger had everything prepared. A fire, a log to sit on, and a skinned deer all ready to be roasted. 

"Oh! You got Enis! Great."

Mark nodded and they sat down... but Enis could still sense something was amiss.

"Enis! Enis!? Hey! You there?"

"Yeah! I was just thinking about my mansion... that's all."

"Aww. Cheer up Enis! It'll be alright." Dodger gently smiled at Enis reassuringly, and Enis smiled back.

"Well, it seems we still have a long road ahead of us, we should probably get moving..."

"You know what, Mark? How about we camp the night here instead. We could get stocked up on some berries, and pack the meat up."

"But, Monster Gulch..." 

"Isn't such a nice place after dark. If your not inside when the sun goes down, you won't live to see it come back up." Enis finished Mark's sentence.

"Yeah, what he said." Mark stuttered.

"Well, guess we'll take turns watching."

"Alright!" Enis excitedly answered.

"Ugh, fiiine." Mark rolled his eyes.

"Mark, you go first."

"Yeah, yeah, first smells worst, I get it." He rolled his eyes again.

As it was approaching dark, and the beard started to howl, they set up their little camp area, where Dodger was snoring and Mark lay awake ready to fight any monsters.

But as Enis lay on his side, his eyes were still wide open, thinking about when he was alone before Mark came up to him. He envisioned his past again, and remembered seeing two eyes in the distance, then they just disappeared. A figure had turned around slowly, as if to hint at Enis to follow it. Enis' eyes grew red though, and he bared his fangs ready to run, then... "Boo!" Out jumped Mark. Mark could not see how he looked in that moment, they believe he is a spineless wimp. He calmed down, retracted his fangs, and cheered himself up in front of Mark. As Mark turned around, Enis checked behind him one more time, but the figure that was there, only 100 meters away, was now gone.

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