Roleplay Like Never Before - Chapter Eight

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Disclaimer: If there was a way for us to own Naruto, we'd do it without hesitation. Sadly, this is not the case.

Banana: I love sleeping bags. I could sleep in them wherever I wanted and still feel like I'm camping. :D

Sammay: I love them because I can pretend I'm a caterpiller in them. Mwehehehh.

Chapter 8

"What about Tobi, un?" Deidara called from his seat. "And why is he going to need a shower?"

Mentioning for Naruto to follow her, Savanna returned to the living room and plopped down on the couch.

"It's not that big of a deal," she explained, smiling sheepishly. "Like Naruto suggested, it's nothing a shower can't fix. Tobi just slipped on a mud puddle outside, and now he's covered entirely in mud... But he's sleeping now."

Deidara's expression gave off the vibe that he wasn't amused. "How could Tobi be sleeping if he fell in a mud puddle?" he murmured, almost to himself. "Hmm..."

"Um I don't know..." Savanna attempted to look indifferent as she shrugged. "You know how Tobi is. When it comes to him, anything is possible, right?" Haha... I can't believe he actually cried himself to sleep!

Deidara didn't respond; he merely continued to regard Savanna with an odd look that suggested he knew more than he let on. She nearly started to fidget under his sharp gaze, but she managed to return his stare with a polite smile. I must be a bad actor, she thought. Ergh... Why can't I read his mind?!

The silence continued to drag on, and when it was just about to reach the level of Sai-awkward, Savanna gladly grasped a topic that had sprung up in her mind. "Oh, yeah," she said. "I already have the sleeping arrangements all figured out, but I forgot to tell you guys. Deidara, you get the couch. Is that alright with you?"

Deidara's visage morphed back into his usual calm one. "Mmhm," he confirmed. 

"Great! And... um... Naruto..." Savanna turned her body towards said ninja as he observed her with a questioning look in his eyes. "When I looked in my closet," Savanna started, "there were only three sleeping bags. Of course, Tobi's using one right now, so there are only two left. Sammay and Neji- he's sleeping over, by the way- are sharing one, so that means we'll have to share the remaining sleeping bag. Yeah..." I wonder how Naruto is going to take all of this...

Ahhh... So that's why she's blushing, Neji thought, smiling at Sammy's embarrassed expression. Does that mean... She wants to share with me? "It's alright," he assured her. "I don't mind, and I know that we're both mature enough to handle it." After pausing for a moment, a chuckle escaped him. "But Naruto, on the other hand, is a completely different matter. I question his level of maturity quite often, so I don't know how he'll handle sharing a sleeping bag with Savanna..."

A wave of relief washed over Sammy as the words left Neji's lips. To her pleasure, she could feel her blush subsiding, as well. "Me, neither," she replied, sending him a small smile. "Being Naruto."

"He'll probably perform the predicted act and completely freak out... on the inside," Neji chuckled. "He wouldn't want to ruin his 'cool demeanor'."

"I couldn't agree more," Sammy laughed. "It's pretty obvious he's got the hots for her. Kiba, too..."

"Considering the fact that the two are constantly quarreling over her, yes," he agreed. "It's pretty obvious."

Sammy looked down at her lap after placing her hands on the same spot. I wonder if it's obvious that I like him so much, she thought. I really hope it isn't... "Yep," she laughed. "Lucky girl..."

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