Homecoming (fear)

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This is mine guys. I feel like, since so many people have decided to help me it's time I did my own. Soo.. this isn't really a fear but it's a nightmare. but really it's a fear in the form of a nightmare. hah.

Homecoming night. We are all soo excited. It wasn't at the school, which was odd. It was at hot topic, even odder. But there was food and drinks and band merch and bounce houses and good music so who was complaining. Me and Iris made our way to the front and paid our 20$ dollars for a ticket. At the time we had been joking and laughing, cute guys called us pretty. It was going fairly well. After a few hours my dad called and said I had to be back home by midnight. That's fine. All we had to do was take the bus to my house and we'd be set. After a while the party started to die down, we went outside and started walking to the bus stop. Once we got there we kinda just stopped talking we were both really tried. I sat down and took off my heels, starting to crack a joke out Barry (a graduated senior guy who wore heels last year) when I didn't get a response I turned around and she was gone. I looked around, she was behind us through a glass screen on a balcony with the crazy homeless man who was talking ot himself earlier. He was holding a large object that I couldn't see in the dark. It was obviously something tho.. I was scared. I started screaming at her and looked around for help. I didn't know what else to do! When I looked back.. she was gone. Shit.. I almost started crying when the bus pulled up and I climbed on. The bus took me home and i started shaking uncontrolobly. I dialed her number and called and texted and called and texted. Finally I got a response that said,

Srry i ditched u. I was playing capture the flag with that homeless guy and he dropped the flag down the fire escpe. i went to get it and them my mum drove by and we went home. hpe u didnt wrry to much.

I sighed in relief and smirked. "Knew it"

That was my dream. My fear: Of loosing friends. I can't loose her. she is one of my best friends ever. and that dream scared me so bad..

Let The Dreaming Begin.

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