Chapter 10

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Quick A/N
I had a major writers block. So sorry for the wait, i have managed to come up with something .


"Wake up!"

" Uh what?"

"You overslept we're going to be late! "

That's how my morning started. Turns out I was gonna be really late to my first class. Now you might think its crazy to run classes but it was different. All the new kids got debriefed on how things worked. According to a source, lessons were about how to maintain a good style of living for us.
That wasnt my main concern though. My main concern was what they were serving for breakfast and if I was gonna get any.

-----Time Skip to breakfast-----

Two pieces of news for you.
Good news: I did get breakfast (barely)
Bad news: Is literally the rest of this chapter.

The que for food was longer than I had anticipated and  I happened to be at the back. The canteen was pretty big and not to mention loud.

Hours, no, days had passed before i had even reached the middle of the line.
" How long does it take serve food. These people have severe inconvenience issues" Alexis complained, pouting. I could totally agree. Then something utterly unbelievable but expected happened. To be honest I wish I was blind at that moment. Somebody thought they had the right to push in front of me. Their long black hair swishing all over the place. I pretended not to notice but you don't mess with Alex when she's hungry.
" As if there weren't enough pigs to feed already" she hissed menacingly. Immediately i held  my arm in front of her.
" Calm down"
That was when she turned around.
" Is there a reason you are staring at us?" Alexis said sweetly.
" Oh, no... Just contemplating on how filthy the world is" she replied in the same sugar coated tone.
This won't end well.
" If you think the world's so dirty, go get a job as a bin man to solve your problem"
One look at that girl's face and you knew Alex had gone and done it.
"  Wow... Is that the best you've got. P-"
I cut her short. They were making a scene and attracting a lot of unwanted attention."Guys stop. This is unnecessary"
They both looked at me. Mean girl looked like she was about say something when someone stepped between us.
" Please stop arguing. I am sure it was over something small" he said calmly.
" Jackson..." Alexis whispered slightly annoyed.
He didn't respond. I felt bad. The whole time I did practically  nothing and he had to break the fight apart.
"Oh, Jackson. Thank you so much, did you see-
But Jackson had already turned to me and Alex. He smiled at me. Tsk. I looked away and he went to sit down. Behind me Alex was sniggering. I kicked her shin and moved forward in the line.

After we got our food we made our way to the table which our friends sat on.
" Hey, Ariana" Jasmine waved.
" So what happened over there?" James asked next to her.
" I bet it was Brooke"
"Yeah, no doubt..."
Their conversation was a blur in the back of my head. I had a major migraine and couldn't be bothered to listen.
" Ariana"
I opened my eyes and found Jasmine waving her hand in front of my face.
"You look like you were spacing out. You OK?" she sounded concerned.
In all honesty, I didn't know how I felt.
" Me and James are taking plates. Its time to go".
I was the last one to get my bag i made my way to class. I walked over to the door when some thing caught my foot. I looked to the side in shock and gasped. I went flying waiting for the impact...

So a short cliffhanger for you guys

I promise to update more often.
Thanks to everyone who stuck around and read my books, i know i have lost a lot of readers so thank you so much.

~ QueenAwesomeness

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