Chapter 5

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Hello! It's been a while since I've updated this story, I'll try to be more active 😅. Thank you for liking and supporting my story ❤️ Please enjoy this short update ☺️

It had been years since I've seen any of my siblings. But today was in fact different. Today was a day of celebration, a day of happiness, a day of unity. It was the day of my beloved siblings wedding.

The wedding was supposed to be the year after the ball, but of course it was delayed with my absence. I guess father couldn't wait any longer and pressed forward with the wedding much to Haruka's disappointment. I remember the exact displeased face when father announced his decision. Oh Hakura, I do miss you, but I know you understand my feelings the most. I am very displeased with our father.

During the celebration, I could see the disappointed looks in my siblings face but it did not ruin the supposed happy and joyous occasion. I guess you could say I felt touched that there was no maid of honor or any bridesmaids in that matter. Juri always babbled how that spot was for me and only me. I wonder if she was disappointed that I wasn't there like she always imagined I would on her big day.

And how could I forget my eldest brother that I love so much. He looked extraordinarily beautiful, especially with his crisp suit and perfectly styled hair. My eyes softened at his handsomely dashing good looks.

My Rido, my heart skipped slightly just looking and thinking about him. But he was never mine to begin with. I would have been so happy to attend, we would have hooked arms together as he is the best man and I would be the maid of honor. I would have been content with that small time together, being so close to him and all, I couldn't help but refrain from myself from "attending" all together.

It was kind of funny how I was the only one who dared to not attend, especially since I was the maid of honor, and sister to the bride and groom. I dared to mock our father with my absence in the most anticipated wedding in years.

And last but not least, my sister Juri looked absolutely beautiful. I always loathed the fact that she always held Rido's attention, but that didn't matter anymore. She was a married woman and it was hard to hate her happy and bubbly personality. Hakura must be extremely happy to be living the rest of his life with her. As for Rido, I couldn't tell whether he was unhappy that Juri didn't marry him or the fact that I didn't show up and had to walk the aisle by himself. It was probably because of the first idea. Who was I kidding, he loved Juri more than anything.

The celebration proceeded without any troubles. There was an enormous amount of people, it was to be expected since there were rarely any weddings between pure bloods. Father and mother happily greeted the guests and chatted with their friends. I absolutely hated how happy and fine he looked. Juri and Hakura also were greeting guests and thanking them for joining them. Rido was of course with Shizuka, although she didn't seem too happy, but nevertheless put on a facade in others by smiling every now and then.

I couldn't bring myself to hate Shizuka. I remember the day we met by pure accident. And from that day we became close acquaintances, and later I even saw her as a sister since I was not close to Juri. She knew my love for him. But it wasn't up to her will to marry him as she already loved another. Their union was nothing more than aligning two pureblood lines together. I was content with just that but I still could never be the one who he cherished the most in his heart. Juri had already occupied that void. Maybe if I had a sliver even just a teeny tiny piece , I would be satisfied with just that. But there was no room for me, there never was.

After taking one last look at each and every one of my siblings, I closed my eyes. I reopened them to see room of darkness. I could only sigh as I was brought back to reality.

Unbeknownst to the mass of people celebrating the union of two pureblood was a single white butterfly fluttering around the whole ceremony. At once last glance at the happily married couple, it fluttered away as instantly vanished leaving specks of sparkles in its path. It was unseen by many but it wasn't unseen by two individuals.

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