Chat #15

215 9 1

Goyo: I'm dying...

Hyuga: good

Sohma: 16

Goyo: I got halfway down the street and almost melted

Enya: sorry that was my bad

Goyo: what?

Enya: I stepped outside

Hyuga: retard

Enya: 17

Enya: but it's true!

Jesabelle: it's like 50 degrees out there...

Enya: does it make you wanna take your clothes off?

Jesabelle: uh... No

Enya: dammit! It's still not hot enough!

- Jesabelle added Hyosuke to the chat-

Hyuga: NO!!! WHY!?!?!?

Kazemasa: calm down

Goyo: ya maybe he is already dead

Kazemasa: not what I meant

Hyosuke: I'm so mad at you guys!

Enya: Awww...

Goyo: Awww...

Hyuga: Awww...

Hyosuke: what are you 'awww'ing about?

Hyuga: your not dead

Enya: 18

Enya: but yeah basically

Yoshitsune: where did you go?

Hyosuke: I already told you! I went to an insane asylum!

Hyuga: and got out?

Hyosuke: yes!

Benkei: what were you doing there?

Hyosuke: do you people never listen to me?

Mizuki: ... No

Hyosuke: wow! You guys are mean!

Hyuga: amen

Jesabelle: aw come on you guys! I'm sure Hyosuke had a rough time over the past 2 months

Enya: that's how long he's been gone!?

Goyo: why are you on his side?

Hyosuke: finally! Someone who appreciates me!

Enya: hey! She never said she appreciated you!

Goyo: yeah! How dare you put words in her mouth

Jesabelle: I appreciate Hyosuke

Enya: *gasp*

Goyo: *gasp*

Hyosuke: ha!

Jesabelle: yeah, don't push it Hyosuke

Hyosuke: :(

Sohma: I have a crisis

Yoshitsune: what's the problem Sohma?

Sohma: my washing machine won't work

Kazemasa: that's not good

Benkei: want me to buy you a new washing machine?

Hyuga: I can do laundry for you

Enya: I'll warn you that when Hyuga does laundry, you'll owe him money

Goyo: it's not cheap either

Hyuga: Sohma isn't annoying so it would be free

Enya: what!? No fair!

Hyosuke: seriously!? You'll help Sohma but not me!?

Hyuga: your still here?

- Hyosuke left the group chat -

Jesabelle: I give up

Hyuga: welcome to the club

[DISCONTINUED] Destiny Ninja Kik MessagesWhere stories live. Discover now