Chat #17

220 11 5

Hyosuke: let's play a game

Hyosuke: I'm bored

Hyuga: we agreed to no more game

Hyosuke: I did not agree to that

Yoshitsune: what game?

Benkei: depending on the game I might consider joining in

Hyosuke: hm...

Hyuga: I do not like games

Hyosuke: you have a sad life

Hyuga: I'll break your face

Hyosuke: I give up on counting

Mizuki: still waiting to hear that game...

Hyosuke: what about the what if game?

Benkei: that sounds kind of boring honestly

Hyosuke: nah it seems fun

Jesabelle: what if you all dated each other :3

Mizuki: but there are 9 of us...

Jesabelle: hyugoya :3


Jesabelle: I cannot not cannot

Hyosuke: my brain...

Hyosuke: I'm too confused to function

Yoshitsune: wait Jesabelle? Who would be paired up with who?

Jesabelle: Hyuga x Enya x Goyo

Jesabelle: I'm not sure about the rest

Hyuga: I'm done

Hyosuke: I ship Benkei x Yoshitsune

Benkei: what?

Yoshitsune: who's the dominant?

Benkei: Yoshitsune please don't encourage them

Hyosuke: probably Benkei since he's a lot bigger than you

Jesabelle: no offence Benkei but you have yaoi hands

Benkei: I-I don't understand!

Hyosuke: you palm is bigger than you face

Jesabelle: could you imagine Benkei x Kazemasa

Kazemasa: I would prefer not to be involved in this

Benkei: I don't know why you guys like to pick on me

Goyo: oh this is perfect timing

Jesabelle: ?

Enya: Goyo and I are listening to a song

Goyo: it's a good song

Enya: representing you

Goyo: hey

Goyo: I just look at the brighter side of things

Kazemasa: what song are you listening to

Mizuki: ... Im interested

Enya: Broooooomance

Jesabelle: YES

Goyo: Nothin really gay about it

Hyuga: oh no

Enya: Not that there's anything wrong with bein gay

Goyo: Bro-o-o-omance

Enya: Shouldn't be ashamed nor hide it

Hyuga: please make it stop

Goyo: I love you


Enya: In the most heterosexual way

Hyuga: I'm dead now

Hyuga: thank you for killing me

Jesabelle: that was music to my ears

Jesabelle: Hyuga is dead so now it's just Goyo x Enya

Hyuga: thank you!

Jesabelle: oh it's hyugoya again cuz he's not dead

Hyuga: damn!

Benkei: I'm still confused on why you ship me with Yoshitsune Hyosuke

Hyosuke: really!?

Hyosuke: it's as if it's meant to be

Benkei: friends off

Hyosuke: aw :(

Yoshitsune: this group chat is awkward

Jesabelle: no it's just the ships settling in

Kazemasa: what if Jesabelle stopped shipping

Jesabelle: I'd die

[DISCONTINUED] Destiny Ninja Kik MessagesWhere stories live. Discover now