Impromptu Prompt

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"Describe the most romantic moment you've ever had."


How do I describe...this moment? A moment that caused my once nonchalant heart to violently hammer in my chest, practically teasing about the destruction of my rib cage? It was her. And while we were both young it wasn't hard for me to recognize that I was feeling something I've never felt before. Something that I could not easily dismiss regardless of how hard I try. I think the crazy part was the fact that anything could have happened! With the proper time invested it could have been the start of something beautiful! Or eventually be the catalyst for our disaster. Alas the moment never came, so I will never know, but what I do know is at the time my heart yearned for her attention. Though...besides just being your friend, I did not know the proper way to get it. least without coming off as being pushy or needed. And no lady would ever love a desperate guy, so I did the "logical" thing: I hid my feelings. Both from her and myself, the fear of the unknown being enough to keep me at bay. Little did I know about the biggest life changing event that was coming to my life; moving.

The news itself was enough to shook me and completely rocked my world. Moving?! How absurd! I've been living here my entire life why do we have to move now?! You can't do that to me that's not fair! Though no amount of begging and pleading would cancel the move. The wheels were already in motion, which meant that I had to work double time before I would have to depart.

So I found her a gift. Nothing particularly fancy, mainly because I lacked the funds to do so, but I figured my gift would work. Time was still against me and at this point only one person knew about my fate. It's because of this person that I had the courage to approach her. My nerves were shot to hell, but my friend assured me that I could do it, so on the last day of school I made my move. On the last day of school, after the final bell...I approached her. At that moment my mind was racing and the second I got to her, I felt as if I had lost all my abilities to think properly. I had never done something like this before in my life and it was times like that which made me wish that I couldn't get flustered. Words? What were those things again? Are those the noises that come out of your mouth when you attempt to communicate with another person? Dunno... To be honest I don't recall what all I said her on that day. I only know that I said enough to get out an awkward, "I...I like you...a LOT..." followed by me handing her my gift. It was a little robot necklace that I thought was pretty snazzy. I told her to remember me and then without another word, or to even wait on her response, I left to go find my ride away from school.

And away from her.

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