100 really cool facts about me

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Originally posted on my DeviantArt but since this is a really cool Admin diary why not here too?

1- Name: My real name is a secret but I prefer to be called Yuna in Social Networks =^^=

2- Live: Switzerland

3- Male or female: Female

4- Place of birth: hospital? XD

5- Dark skin or what skin: I have a reaaaaaally light skin color

6- Religion: reformed (Acutally I could say "none" since I dont believe in anything of this stuff hahah)

7- Personality: Serious and chaotic D:

8- Primary school: what kind of question is that? 0.0

9- Secondary school: same goes to this

10- High school: I guess we dont have High schools. No clue of that system XD

11- Cloth style : I just wear the first clothes I grab from my wardrobe. Usually T-Shirt and Jeans....

12- Tall or short: Short

13- Mustache or beard: nothing^^"

14- Smoke: nope

15- Cats or dogs: CATS

16- Face book page: Havent a FB account

17- Music type: Everything as long as I like it

18- Bicycle: ewww

19- a wish you want to become true: Endless coca cola life storage and no photography lessons =.=

20- a dream : I recently reached my biggest goal (Become a graphic designer) but I want to work as an Illustrator too

21- do you like party's: Nah

22- Friends in real life: A few, dont know what to do without them!

23- Friends online: YOU!! XD

24- Funny thing about you: I.... dont know....? (Im not funny at all even if I want to)

25- Things you don't believe : Ghosts


26- Food: Chicken with Mama's tomato sauce

27- Fruit: Strawberrys

28- Music type : Anything as long as I like it

29- Sport: EWWWW NOOO

30- Games: Indie Games, Action, Fantasy.... (Tales of, Journey...)

31- Shoe : The cheapest XD

32- Social media : DeviantArt ^^

33- Do you have secrets: Sure XD

34- Subjects : Typography, Drawing, Art-History!

Have you

35- Traveled with an airplane: two times (London and Köln)

36- Traveled with a ship: Nope

37- Took something not yours: I have stolen a little gouache package when I was still in secondary school. (I opened it and there where only Yellows and Greens D: )

38- Cheated on any exam : I always feel bad... nope XD

39- Been in a cross fire: Thank god not

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