"Ryin's leaving tomorrow." Linn mopes, setting her book down. I glance up from mine, and flip a page. She doesn't usually request my presence, and I'd figured that she wished to discuss something.
"Really?" I raise my eyebrows. This conversation will require very little participation on my part.
She sighs. "Yes, and I won't see for the next three months!" She throws her arms into the air and slouches how a princess must never sit.
"But there are always letters." I scan the next page, only half reading.
"Letters." Linn huffs.
"And after three months, you'll be with him every day if your life, more or less."
She brightens considerably. "Yes, I suppose there's always that."
A servant knocks on the door and sticks his head in. "Your Highnesses? Prince Ryin and Prince Courill to see you." Linn blushes and straightens her posture.
"Let them in, Roger. Thank you."
She glances at me as Roger closes the library door and retrieves her prince.
"I hope you don't mind playing chaperone?"
"Of course not." Not that I had a choice... I sigh and put down my book, Redeem, Sagas of the Queens of Coroth. And it was just getting interesting.
Two boys walk in, silver eyes flashing. Ryin barely nods to me before claiming Linn for conversation. She chatters just as much as he. Well. That will be a loving marriage.
I turn my gaze to Rill, barely stifling laughter, remembering the last time I saw him.
"Your Majesty." I dip a curtsy.
"Princess Elaine. Chaperoning your cousin?" His voice seems to be deciding wether he should be formal or familiar. I decide for him.
"Yes, we were throwing quite the pity party before you arrived." I roll my eyes.
He seems glad at my informality. "Tell me about it. Ryin's heartbroken. Shall we sit?" I nod and we choose a spot far enough away so that we can keep a close eye on our charges, but give them privacy.

A Night To RememberOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant