Chapter 17

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Nightmare's P.o.v

Darkness. That's all I see. Am I dead? No. I can't be. I want to wake up! I can't open my eyes. I don't have the strength..... could I be dead? I feel pain coming from my chest. It hurts. NO! No no no no no no no no no no no! I want to go back.......

Slender's P.o.v

I go to E.J's lab to check on Nightmare. E.J bandaged him up. I sigh. He might not have a chance of living. It would be a miracle if he did survive. I put a hand to where his heart is. It's slowly beating. Very slowly. Luckily Jeff had just missed his heart. I walk out of the room. Jeff is just outside the door. I growl and ignore him. maybe I've should've warned him. Maybe...

Nightmare's P.o.v

It's so quiet here. I don't like that. I walk around until I fall in some sort of hole that I seemed to miss. It felt like I was falling forever, until I finally saw the bottom. My eyes widen as I try to use my wings, only, I can't. I look to see my wings were broken. How?! I look back and I hit the bottom....

I jerk awake. I was sweating. Tears were falling down my cheeks. I turn around. My wings weren't broken and my whole chest was wrapped in bandages. I get up and walk out of what looked like a lab. Luckily I easily found my way to the living room. Everyone was there. Their attention was towards Slender. Well, until he turned to see me.

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