"Our First Date" - Gruvia [One-shot]

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WARNING: This entire book is unedited, and so there are quite a few visible errors.

Juvia, as usual woke up to her alarm, but today was a special day. It was Gray's birthday. The blue-eyed girl quickly got up tightly squeezing her giant Gray-sama pillow into her face. Whilst blushing, she pondered on how Gray would react to her present. As with most cases, her mind fell into an abyss of thoughts.

"Gray-sama here, I got you a present. P-Please take it. Happy Birthday!"

The black haired mage grabbed Juvia, pulling her towards his bare chest and seductively whispering into her ear, "Thank you Juvia, my love. I was hoping to receive something from you."

Every ounce of his breath filled her with ecstasy and every word left her in a daze. Juvia, flustered dug her face into his chest and muttered, "I love you, Gray-sama."

Using his index finger, he gently tilted her chin upwards, staring into her beautiful sea-blue eyes. The tension between them grew and she started blushing madly. With his messy black hair partly covering his eyes, he finally drew closer, and her eyes shut, with her lips tingling in wait of the fated moment. 

Juvia was now blushing madly, and it took her a while to snap out of it. When she finally came back to reality, she hurriedly got ready to meet Gray. 

At the guild, things were raving up and everyone was crazy, as usual. The flame-brain was dancing on-top of the tables like an idiot, while the rest of the guild were laughing hysterically at his stupidity.

However, the ice-mage secluded himself from the rest, feeling mellow instead of his usual sociable self. It was almost as if he was expecting something. While he was staring into space, Juvia walked in and almost instantly, Gray became happier, but he made a huge effort to conceal it. 

Juvia approached Gray and greeted him. 

"G-Good Morning, Gray-sama. I heard it was your birthday today, so I got you something." Juvia held out her hand, turning her head away to hide her flustered face. 

Gray, now blushing with his heart racing nervously, he put out his hands and shyly asked "Oh, let me see that."

He opened the present and saw the hand made scarf. His blush became much stronger now and he was visibly happy for a few seconds, but like the tsundere that he is, he hid it straight away, whilst also expressing his gratitude in a rather simple way. 

"Thank you, Juvia. I appreciate the gift."

Juvia seemed saddened. She started screaming inside her head with every sentence weakening in strength, "Gray-sama, you baka! I worked hard to make that for you and that's what I get? All I get is just a small "Thank you'? I'm only worth that much to you? I've loved you since I met you, Gray-sama. But, because I love you, I can't give up on you. That's why I mustn't give up on you."

Slowly, tears began escaping her eyes, rolling onto her bright red cheeks and dripping onto the floor beneath her because she was unable to express her feelings to him. For her, every scenario she imagines is just a dream... a very futile dream. 

Gray was in absolute shock. His eyes widened and he felt a piercing feeling in heart, as a small part of him was wondering if he's the cause of her pain. 

"What's wrong, Juvia?" the Ice-Make Mage asked. 

Wiping her tears quickly in an attempt not to ruin his birthday, Juvia responded half-heartedly say "No, nothing. It's fine. It must be the wind. It's awefully strong today, isn't it?"

With nothing else to do, Gray unexpectedly hugged Juvia, tightly embracing her in the warmth of his chest. The blue-haired mage could hear the heart-beat of her one and only love and this started soothed her empty heart. Using his hand to move the strand of hair covering her eyes, he looked into her sapphire-blue eyes and silently whispered, "Thank you, Juvia for that gift. I, really appreciate it. I'll wear it all the time."

"Our Love Story" - GruviaWhere stories live. Discover now