I'm not sick.

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"Gray-sama? W-What are you doing here?", she exclaimed, blushing intensely at the sight of his smile. 

"What do you mean? This is my apartment. I should be asking you that question.", he retorted sarcastically. She couldn't say anything, as she was already dumb-founded. 

"After yesterday, you fell asleep straight away, so I carried you to my apartment which was close-by. That's all. I'll go get some coffee for you, you must be tired." He left the room promptly, leaving the blue-haired mage alone. 

"Me in Gray-sama's house? Juvia believes that this a great chance. I will seize it. I mean, he hasn't officially told me that we're dating, so Juvia must do something. We kissed too..." After thinking about yesterday, she began wondering into her "Juvia-land" for another 5 minutes before awakening to her genius idea. 

Pressing her large cleavage together, she practiced how to entice her Prince. "Oh, Gray-sama.", she seductively chanted whilst biting her lips. 

"Juvia, what're you doing?", Gray asked with a confused expression on his face. Her face turned filled with redness, and she fell unconscious. 

The black-haired mage ran immediately in worry, crying out "Juvia! Wake up! Juvia!" After 15 minutes, she woke up in a daze, "..What happened. The last thing I rememb-". Again, her face reddened like a tomato in sudden realisation of what caused the previous event to occur. 

"Juvia, are you alright?" Gray asked with a soothing, but worried face. He gently pressed his soft hands on her burning forehead, checking for a fever. "You must have a fever, I'll go get some medicine for you."

The bluenette tugged at the ice-mage's shirt as he was leaving, staring into his eyes with her own beautiful sea-blue eyes, as she turned around. 

"I'm not sick...", she silently whispered.

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