Stuff about me! Heh... it's not everything

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I was tagged here by my lovely amazing twin @AnimeStoleMyLife!! Heya twin!

Let this thing commence!

1. In this world I'm not necessarily considered a legal/illegal contractor or anything really other in particular. For the love of peoples, of course I'm human.

2. I'm the older twin. @AnimeStoleMyLife is my lovely Wattpadian twin whom I am so grateful to have. But. I have a twin brother in the real world I live in. *sighs* I have a younger brother twin here and it's not too bad. Sorry bro, but ya don't cease to ask me questions I can't answer. But you also make my world. Especially when you actually listen to every word I have to say when it comes to the long talks of my story.

3. That was long. Also, I'm pretty detailed, and as a writer, I'm used to it.

4. I'm an artist! My art teacher had me teach a class with one of my best friends, and I almost got someone a referral-detention. 😨

5. People outside of this world constantly pest me about this. Yes, I do like a person. No, he is not my amazing friend Brandon. Seriously, this guy has helped get through so much. I've only ever paid him back the same way >~<

6. I always do these little faces. >~< >//-//< ^~^ yeah....

7. I've had to spend a little more than five of my birthdays doing homework. Why the hell school decides to plop my birthday as a school day, I'll never know. But it did mean we got of school in May rather than June.

8. Otaku. Fangirl. Booknerd. What am I, all of them? Not to mention I'm in a lot of fandoms. As of now, one of my friends has placed me into the Supernatural fandom for a while now, and we're catching up on recent seasons together.

9. I spend most of my money on art supplies and books. I think that's why I'm broke half the time....

10. I constantly listen to a lot of songs again artnd again. My cousin calls this annoying but I call it something that gets my brain to fully work while I create stories and whatnot.

11. I tried Vain Glory. It's pretty cool. And... I also want to try Overwatch, but I don't necessarily have a PS4 or whatever so... but I do have a PS3 ... that's in the hands of my brother.

12. I'm running out of things to say.

13. Aha! I currently have an amazing group of followers and friends here. I love you all so much. Really. You guys mean the world to me and I'm thankful you've stuck with me. Couldn't ask for a better group of followers like you guys! Thanks!

Tag 15 people? How about less? I can't stress you guys out, right? Some people have school still!

@ScorpiaYugi or @ScorpiaChrono

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