Tagged! Yet again...

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Tagged by my awesome friend @cheshirecat674! So... I guess it's a 13 fact thing? Let's get started! (No this isn't stealing images, I only did a screenshot so you people could see the rules)

#1. Finally got a hakama. Yeah. It was actually a little longer than I wanted it to be, but hey. It was cook enough to wear and do my stuff in.

#2. Um... I'm finally getting time to do updates! This means that my parents are not constantly making me work around the house and/or telling me to do things other than using any electronics for a long time. (This includes : my laptop, my tablet, my phone [what I'm using to update as of now]).

#3. Drawing. Has. Gotten. Harder. Serioualy, I have 4 Canson art boards. 1 is 75% complete cos it needs a background. The other 3 aren't even 25%-50% done. There's still a lot of drawing and coloring and shiz to go.

#4. You may not believe it, hell, you may wonder why I'm even updating but - writing is getting a lot more frustrating to do than the usual. Why? I have no idea, but because I've been "locked up" (I use the phrase lightly cos I haven't done anything worthwhile at all this summer so far) at home, my ideas aren't coming.

#5. I have a strong obsession with Heathens. I can't think how many ways that sentence can go, but I can only say that I've been listening to Twenty One Pilots more than Panic! At The Disco or any other music artist I listen to.

#6. As of now, I currently am some sort of a friendship mender? Well I helped two of my friends settle some differences and sometime later they decided just to avoid each other. Long story short, can't do everything in the book.

#7. Supernatural is my favorite show (hasn't been topped since season 1 so what can I say). I'll admit to watching the anime version before picking back up on season 7 and watching through season 11. No harm there, right?

#8. I've been getting some questions from people outside our Wattpad community, as well as some from inside our community and I'll try to answer them as truthfully as I can in the next couple facts.

#9. I've been asked if I have any actual interests in people, and I've been denied the fact that fictional people do not count on this one. Well - yeah, kinda, sort of. ( you see posting this more than once on my tags , just get the gist that this doesn't through clear to some people's heads [not mentioning names of any friends])

#10. Next thing on the ask list is whether or not I'm going to pursue writing. I'd love to. I'd also like to keep drawing. Perhaps I'll do character layouts and creepy af drawings (like the one I'm working on rn). I dunno.

#11. I'm constantly running out of things to say cos I mostly so these in the mornings

#12. I've been told I might go to a Twenty One Pilots concert by my parents. And then they basically contradicted it by telling me if I wanted to go, I'm paying my own ticket. And that it won't be worth going because we could do other things. Thank you, parents. I hope you change your minds cos I really want to go. You denied me the one in Inglewood, and I'm pretty sure you'd deny me to go see either Coldplay or Broods on my birthday. Just saying, not to be mean ... but I do want to go outside town at least once this summer.

#13. I'd like to round thus up by saying a big THANK YOU to all my awesome followers! I'm very appreciative of your support and I couldn't ask for better people to support me thank you!

I've got to tag people (it's not 15, yeah I can count, but Wattpad is not letting me do a lot right now)












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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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