Chapter 1: Camp Half Blood Here I Come

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A/n: so I had this great idea, and to make put that great idea in this fanfic I'm going to have to rewrite this story. So without further bullshit,  let's-a go~
One day Zeus decide to make a challenge for all gods. That challenge was to make a god that has a mix of all of their powers. So he called them all up to have a meeting.
"Everyone, I  have a challenge for all of you", Zeus said with his voice booming, "we shall make a god." Before Zeus could say anything else Hermes blurted, "That's easy, haven't you heard of the birds and the-", but he was soon cut off by the rest of the other gods, "HERMES!!!"
   After that distraction, the finally agreed in making a god. They all formed a circle and concentrated on the task at hand. To be honest they all looked a little constipated. Suddenly a blinding light flashed. Once the light died down, they saw a beautiful girl. She looked to be at the age of 6 with h/l h/c hair, s/c skin, and e/c eyes all while wearing a plain white dress. (Why did I think of Tinkerbell?) Zeus then said, "Hello there little one, I am Zeus, and you are Yato, our little delivery god (did you see that reference?) but your mortal name shall be y/n l/n. For the next 5 years you shall be learning how to control your powers and then you will be at Camp Half Blood, where you will be protected until you are old enough to be on your own." "Yes, Mr Zeus", little y/n said with determination sparkling in her eyes.

~timeskip to 4 years later~

After 4 years of training and learning how to control her powers the, now 10 year old skips down to see Zeus, one of her creators. Once she saw him, she bowed a little, to show her respect, before she went back to her normal posture. "Mr Zeus, may I now be able to go to Camp Half Blood?" She asked eager after all these years (...always...) of waiting. "Yes, my little delivery god" Zeus answered. Y/n pouted a bit at the word 'little' and the words 'delivery god' making her feel a bit weak and unimportant but in reality she is one of the strongest gods ever, they just didn't want her to get ahead of herself and try to dominate the world or something. After she registered the words he said, she grinned wildly, "HADES YEAH!!!!!" she yelled, forgetting she was still with Zeus, before she sheepishly smiled at him. "Excuse me, Mr Zeus", y/n said before she ran to her chambers to pack her belongings, all while thinking, 'Camp Half Blood here I come.'

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