the end of Day 3 (the haunted forest)

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What felt like for hours, the bus eventually came to its last stop. We got off and saw trailers start to pull up. We walked over the the crowd and waited.
The trailers came to a stop and someone opened a gate and one at a time let a person on a specific trailer.

As the line decreased, some people were walking away.
When we got to the gate; before they let us through they said

"Let me warn you little ones. This isn't just a ride or a trip. You can die. Once you get through the gates, there's no turning back. Do you change your mind?"

He let us decide for a minute. We all shook our head.

"There will be a stop and you have to get off. You must follow the path with the group. Do NOT leave the path and the group." He continued

Ashley became to shiver. The guy opened the gate and John started walking and we followed behind him. We sat beside each other on the trailer. As soon as we seated the trailer started moving.

We all sat in silence for the whole ride.

"C-come on guys we sh-shouldn't be scared of what that man said. He-he could have been just trying to scare us heh" John said

"Maybe your right." Ashley said

"So let's stop being scared and have a good trip" John said cheerfully

A wolf howled in the distance and shot John straight to fear again.

"It's probably just sound affects" I said

The trailer kept going.

The sun started to set but it rarely showed because the fog was so thick.

Another time what felt like forever, the trailer finally came to a stop.

"Alright! Everybody off. NOW!" The guy up ahead snapped.

All the people quickly scattered off the trailers and headed into the house. We were the last ones on the trailer and we went in the house. When we opened the door there was no other side. On the other side there was the wall and one porch light and out in the distance was just forest.

"Okay guys I'm actually really scared. I want to go home." Ashley begged

"It's just a tour. We only have to stay on the path with the group-" Tom said

"But where's the group?" I interrupted

We all looked around and saw nothing but forest.

"What do we do?" Ashley cried

"Let's just follow the they said" I suggested

I started to walk and Tom joined my side. John was walking behind us while Ashley clinged to his arm.

"I love you John. " Ashley cried

"I love you too ashley" John said

"I'm scared. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea." Ashley whined

"It's going to be alright" he said trying to comfort her.

We kept walking down the path and it started to become narrow.

"Hold on can you guys wait here I ha e to take a piss" John said

He started to walk off the path.

"JOHN NO!" Ashley screamed

She ran after him and John yelled

"ASHLEY DON'T! " He ran after her

"NO STOP!" I yelled

The Haunted Forest (Slenderman Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now