The Day & Leaving

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The last day of school and graduation rolled around. Taya and James were proud of me. Boston and I celebrated together by hanging out and watching one of our all time favorite movies. The rest of May I just hung out around the house most of the days and sometimes went out with Boston to go eat or watch a movie. Every time I went out I thought about how in a way I would miss this little town that held my life.
On June 9th I was woken up by the sunlight that filled my room. I got up out of bed and went downstairs where Taya, James, and Boston were waiting for me.
The breakfast Taya served was marvelous and after we were done eating James brought out an envelope and handed it to me. In it was money and a card. It made my heart beat fast and I then began to think about leaving which made my heart beat even faster. Boston dug in his backpack he carried with him everywhere and took out a small package. I opened it and in it was a small grey notebook which closely resembled the olive green one just the color was different. I hugged them all then told them I was going to go upstairs and get ready.
I got ready quickly and then started thinking about packing my car for the get away. I creeped halfway dowstairs to see if anyone was down there so I could pack the car. I only found Boston on the couch watching tv. I went down all the way to talk to him. "Um, Boston where the heck are my parents?" I said. "Oh! They told me to tell you they were going out to run some errands and would be back later," and then he added, "I figured I would stay here and wait for you to finish getting ready so we could hang out for a while." Oh no, I thought. What the flip was I supposed to do with him?! I mean what could I do? Have you ever been in a situation like this? I'm sure you have. I feel like we all have. Anyways I just nodded slowly and went up stairs.
I sat on my bed and just thought. I looked at the clock and it read 11:23. I had time, but I planned on leaving as soon as the sun went down and my parents were asleep which was early. I needed to at least get everything that I was taking and set it in it's own corner so it was easy to get to and pack into the car. I did just that and went back downstairs to talk to Boston. Why not tell him then?
I sat down next to him and looked straight forward and watched the tv. "You're up to something." he said. I was silent. I was hesitant in telling him, but then without my own consent I blurted it out. It all kinda came out like projectile vomit. Gross. Sorry. "I'm leaving! I can't stay in a place that never changes. I need to see change and live a little outside of this small town." I said. Still staring at the tv he came back with the question,"How long?" and I just said what I planned on telling him in the first place. I told him that I didn't know and that it was temporary. He just kept on staring at the tv and said calmly, "Then I'm going too, I'm going because I will not wonder everyday if my bestfriend is dead or not. I won't. I am going and Jordan Wess, you cannot stop me." So I just nodded and excepted it. I wasn't going to stop him. I was gonna let him come along. A change in the plan, but it was okay with me. "We leave as soon as the sun goes down," I said. With that he grabbed his backpack and left to his house.
I finally got done packing before my parents got home and we hung out altogether and celebrated my birthday. Just Taya, James, and me. I loved them and was gonna miss them. It's not like I wasn't going to not be able to contact them though. I had a phone, computer, and if all else failed I could write a letter.
They were finally ready to go to bed at 8:45 and so I went to my bedroom and got ready for the trip. I took a shower and dressed in black leggings, a big black t-shirt that read in big white letters: "YOU'RE KILLIN' ME SMALLS," and slapped on some white hightop converse and threw my long artificially colored hazel hair into a braid. Irrelevant. I know. Anyways I got a backpack ready with the small things I needed and the package with all of the money. I got out my letters I had written for Taya and James and put them on my neatly made bed. I grabbed my car keys, turned off all of my lights, looked over my room one more time, and climbed out of my bedroom window.
After I closed my window I slid down my roof and jumped down into the yard, and hopped into my car. I drove down two streets where I picked Boston up at his house and helped him pack his stuff into my car. We both hopped into my car and went to the nearest gas station where I filled up my gas tank, set my map up in between me and Boston, turned on my favorite song (Gone by Philpp Phillips), and left the small unchanging town behing us.

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