Accepting His Love: Chapter Five

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"You again!" She exclaimed. How in tarnation did she keep on managing to run into this man! 

"You seem to say that whenever you see me Abigail," he said while sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, "but yea... it's me again." He looked just as handsome as she remembered. His hat was absent and honey blonde curls loosely framed his face. During the few days that she hadn't seen him, a shadow of dark blonde hair covered the bottom part of his face. It made him look a bit more manlier, but the charming grin that he wore, gave him a boyish look that balanced everything out. He really was a handsome man if she had to give an honest opinion, but she would not fall victim to his charm.

"If it's my flag you want, I won't give it to you!" she warned. "The other man didn't get it and you most certainly will not. It's mine. Fair and square. I don't care if you're a big white man. I'll shoot you with your own gun before you even try to steal it from me." Although she threatened, she knew she'd have a hard time doing so. For starters, the gun was still stashed away in the wagon. Then, it was hard to miss the way that he towered over her five foot two frame. At six feet and then some, he looked to have the girth of an oak. Also, she knew from the night they had met previously that it wouldn't take much for him to overpower her should she put up a fight.

"Calm down darlin'! I don't want your flag." He said easily.

"I'm not your darling!" she snapped. How many times would she have to remind him not to call her darling? just that word. Darling. It was a word use to sugar people up and get them to walk into traps. It was a flirting word, unless spoken by a family relative, and he was certainly no relative of hers. She pointed somewhere out in the distance, wishing that he'd follow the direction of her finger and go take a hike. "Now get off my property."

"Technically," he began, " it's not really yours till-"

"Go away!" Cutting off his sentence, she tried to shoo him away with her hands, but the darn man was just too tenacious and he just stood there and refused to budge. She turned around to go back to the wagon, preparing to ignore him if that was what it would take to get him to leave.

"Dang it...Abigail. Calm down will ya? If it's about that kiss, I've done told you I'm sorry." he said following her. She ignored him and climbed up into her wagon and started to look for her notebook and pencil. She needed to start to write down what things needed to be done and when they should be done. It was something she did to get her mind off of certain things happening in her life. Right now, she just wanted to forget that Derek was even there.

He had become oddly quiet as she searched the wagon and when she snuck a peak from over her shoulder, she saw where his haze was completely transfixed. What made him think he could just stand there and look his fill?! She did not want to be ogled by anyone, much less him! Finally fishing what she was looking for from somewhere in the dark recesses of the wagon, she turned back to him to give him the tongue lashing of his life. 

"Listen Mister! I don't care who you are or whatever it is that you did to me!" Lie. A small part of her cared. "I would be very grateful if you would just leave because I am getting really sick and tir- Woaaah!!" As she tried to descend from her wagon, she had lost her footing and in a flash, Derek had stepped forward to catch her. However, he too lost his footing and the both of them toppled to the grass, the air coming out from each other in a big whoosh.

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