Chapter 25

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Amelie’s P.O.V.

Demi had been wonderful. She was so supportive of me, and she hadn’t stopped texting and calling me whenever she was at work, just to check that I was alright. It’d been three days since I found out, and we still hadn’t told anyone. It’s not like I really had anyone to tell anyway, Demi was pretty much the only family I had. I hadn’t told her about my parents yet. But I was going to have to tell her at some point, she kept dropping hints about telling our families. I was deep in thought, staring blankly at the TV when Demi got in.

“Hey babe, how was your day? What’re you watching?” She asked cheerfully, jumping over the back of the sofa and kissing my forehead.

“My day was alright, and I have no idea what I’m watching.” I said, leaning onto her shoulder.

“Ok, what’s wrong?” She knew me too well. I sighed and turned my face so she couldn’t see the tears I was furiously blinking back. She could probably tell anyway.

“My parents, well actually just my mom.”I said, and tried to hold back the tears. Demi pulled me into her arms and rocked me slowly. “You know how I said my sister committed?” My breath kept getting caught in my throat and Demi holding me was really just making everything more emotional. “She wasn't my sister. She was my mom. I called her my sister because that’s what it felt like when we were together. She was 15 when she had me. Her parents kicked her out when they found out and I spent my whole childhood feeling like I was a mistake. When she committed, I was 16 and I had to go to this home where they called you ‘sweetie’ and you had to go to counselling in pink rooms decorated with children’s toys. I didn’t know what was going on and then when I turned 18 I found out that my mom’s parents had both died, and they left all their money to my mom. But because mom wasn’t around, it got given to me. That’s why I could afford my own house, and that’s why I can afford med school. I don’t have anyone to tell about this pregnancy, Dem, I have no-one. Well, I had no-one. You’re someone.” By the end I was sobbing. Not because I felt sorry for myself, I didn’t want to be one of those forever victims who spend their entire life thinking about how unfair the world is and how they got given the short straw and they never get over it. I just didn’t want to upset Demi. I’d spent my whole life pushing people away, my mom, any friends I'd ever had. Anyone that I loved eventually saw something they didn’t like in me and left. I didn’t want Demi to leave. I looked up and saw the tears in her eyes and I felt terrible, I didn’t want her to cry and I certainly didn’t want her to feel sorry for me. “Don’t cry.” I said and wiped the tears off of her face.

“I’m not crying because your story is sad, though it is sad, I’m crying because of how strong you are. Don’t think this is going to change how I treat you. I know you don’t want a pity party. Because pity parties suck.” She kissed my nose and pulled me onto her lap. She put her hand on my stomach and smiled at me. “We’re going to be the best moms. Don’t you worry.”

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