I AM ALIVE- SHORTS- A DREAM OR REALITY-A 700Mb File that will make you think

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Dear Friends, it's a true incident that happened to me last night after i finished my studies and watched a movie before sleeping which i have tried to describe with in a few words.

I am sharing this experience of mine so that i feel less burdened. Neither am i publicizing this content nor am i, trying to prove anything, i am just sharing this, i shall be really grateful if any one person takes something out of this. It's upto you guyz whether you think this is fake or if you can believe me.

Films are made for entertainment may be or for just a little more than entertainment. Is there any limit of  emotional trauma that you can go through while watching a movie, or an accident or a real life incident. The dark truth of the society when comes in front of your eyes you may think that you are not the sufferer but somebody is suffering that pain even now at this moment.

 From the eyes of Anurag Kashyap,  i saw a movie last night named  "Shorts" which is a compilation of 5 short films having roughly 20-25 min of screen space each, directed by five different  directors:

 1. Sujata by Shlok Sharma

A story of a women harrased by the hands of his cousin brother, when pushed to a corner she retailiates back. After watching this you will know the dark side of human behaviour.

 2. Epilogue by Siddharth Gupta

A weird story of the male protagonist suffering from claustrophobia due to over possessiveness of his lover resulting in depression and desperation.  

 3. Audacity by Anirban Roy

My second best story of the movie where a bengali girl creates a revolt with his father trying to teach him a lesson and make him realise of his own mistakes. Parents are not always right. Excellent story.

 4. Mehfuz by Rohit Pandey

Nawazuddin Siddique plays the man who burns dead body for a living. This story is creepy and will take shit out of you.

 5. Shor by Neeraj Ghaywan (The story i liked the most)

I will not  tell the plot of the story. It's the best one of the five. Absolutely shocked after watching this.This hits you on your face.

 You can get a lot out of this movie but you have to watch with your brains. Basically the concept of the movie was simple, the protagonist of the story being the sufferer and the antagonist being the one forcing his will.

The five short films had different impacts on me while watching the movie and also after watching. Exploring the darkest corner of heart,  of the characters in the movie i found myself standing right there in the center of the movie thinking have i done anything wrong in my life? Yes may be but not drastically wrong. Have i been a victim of any situation, yes,  so i could relate this.

Particularly, the last story of the movie taught me not to doubt on any one because of your incapability.

The truth is bitter and it comes after you when you are in your sub conscious mind. Everybody sees dreams, some remember and some forget. Sometimes dreams are reflection of fiction or may be reality. Daily life incident, day to day problems, all can be seen through your brain while you are sleeping. Sometimes we see past and sometimes future through our dream. Sometimes we wake up wanting more and sometimes we wake up really disturbed. Dream is sub conscious space of mind where you can think the unthinkable and see the invisible.

I was watching this movie after finishing my studies for the day at 12.30 am-2.00am.At 2.30 am i went to sleep and the dream i went through was not anything less than horrific.Actually i saw the dream because i was affected by the victims in the movie. But the problem in my dream was i was not the victim. I was on the opposite side. So, the character of mine in my dream is a negative one who realizes his mistakes and is left with no options.

 In my dream i succumbed to the greed of money and I along with one of my friend, were accused of stealing some big money from somewhere which i don't remember. I was having my lunch and suddenly police arrived in my home and arrested me. I understood what have i done and i was caught, they had the proof. I tried to bribe the officer but my intention failed as he turned out to be Devgan of Singham. Everyone in my home was baffled. I was frightened as I had to stay at the prison that night. Next morning i was produced at court. Case was filed by the opposition on me. I came to know that my act was finally caught through a CCTV footage which clearly showed me doing this heinous crime. My family members were disgusted in court as they could not believe their eyes. Even i was confused why did i do such act. At this stage, i was not aware of the fact that i am dreaming. I was so serious, desperate that i wanted to come out of this instead of committing this crime. I told my lawyer that i can spend as much money as possible and pleaded him to get me out of this, but he was helpless as everything was clear in the footage. The judge cancelled my bail request and ordered the police to keep me in their custody till the forensic teams verify the footage and approve it to be true. I was taken to the police station. My mother came to visit me. What i remember that she slapped me and cried. I told her that it was a mistake. I thought i could get away with this but i was nailed by the CCTV footage. I cried for help and told her to get me out and i wanted to live normal life. She was broken and she told me that i deserve to be in jail so that i can gain salvation. She left and i was still positive about finding some other help. Even at this point of time i was looking to get out of the situation.

 Finally, the day of judgement arrived and the judge gave his decision. I was imprisoned for 6 years. My heart was broken. I was feeling the situation, and i was sent to jail. Some friends told me you should not have done this and some told you should have been careful. My future and carrier was spoiled. When the judge was giving his decision i was feeling like the god is giving me punishment.   In jail i remembered my childhood, school and college days. I remembered my home, my cricket and my parents, everything was gone. The girl i loved, left me and had to marry someone else. I was heartbroken and felt why did i do such act. Everything was shattered. I still was unaware that i was dreaming and my mind is playing games with me. I could not revert back what had happened. I slapped myself and accepted that it was all over for me. I wanted to end my life for what i have done.I had no interest in living.

Oh god, what have i done, why did i do such illegal things? God can you give me a second chance to erase all bad things i had done and to live this life happily again? Can i still return to my normal life. The answer from God was "Sorry friend, better luck next time". I was missing everything badly,i was pushed to the corner and i was in no state to fight back.

I decided to take my life by accepting this as my fate and was about to end this once and for all. Yes now i knew why one takes his life. One can attempt to kill himself when he has nothing left. I was just about to commit suicide, suddenly the phone rang. Everything was interrupted. I heard a voice in the phone " Hello, Chirag, reach ground sharp at 7.30 am, match is going to start by 8 am. I disconnected the phone by saying yes. I woke up to see my mother preparing tee. It took me 2 minutes  for me to get to my senses and feel myself alive. Yes, i was still alive, the first thing i did was to thank god for providing me a second chance for committing a crime in my dream. I took a huge sigh of relief that it was only dream. I rushed to the ground immediately and also took 3 wickets in one over and really came back smiling.

I had not done any wrong things in life like stealing or any other acts. I knew immediately that the dream was the after effect of the movie i watched last night. What an impact it was, really thundering. I went through my entire life story in my dream last night. It was really touching moment. I realized the situations that the characters in this movie faced when they were pushed into the corner.I played the role of  the antagonist in my dream. I would have been a lot happier if i was the victim, atleast a positive character. Then i thought what i saw may be some signal from god but there was a considerable change in me to live life in a better way not in monetary terms but to be a better person. I was stunned how one 700 mb file in my Pc changed my terms of thinking. You may have also seen many dreams, but please don't neglect them, as every dream says something, if we can recall them, then we can certainly make life better and special.

 So, at last i don't know how you can connect to me or my dream. Right now are you filling pity on me or laughing at me for posting this irrelevant things in social network. But i felt it like sharing so i shared my dream.

Sometimes movies are not only meant for entertainment, it teaches you how to live?I would thank Mr Anurag Kashyap for making such a beautiful movie which was a part of my dream. Thanx to all of you for having patience and taking out some time for me to read this article. God bless You all.

 Chirag Dash

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 03, 2013 ⏰

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I AM ALIVE- SHORTS- A DREAM OR REALITY-A 700Mb File that will make you thinkNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ