Addicted to danger

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Hello my beautiful readers! I hope you enjoy this! Trigger of death. Thank you so much for reading this! Well, that should be it. ENJOY!!!

Phil's POV

Normal people wouldn't be in a London alley at a quarter to midnight. Unfortunately for me, I'm not normal. I check my phone again. 11:47. Of course he's late, again. This specific client always is late. I scan around the empty streets, not seeing any signs of life besides an occasional taxi. I wait impatiently, checking my phone every few minutes. I sigh as my phone tells me it's midnight. Just as I start to head out of the alley, I see someone running down the pavement. When he almost passes me, I grab his shirt and yank him into the shadows, growling, "What the hell man!? You're 15 minutes late!"

He looks at me, breathing heavily, "I....I....I know.....Sorrry..."

I give him a cold glare, then lean against the dirty brick wall, "So? Where is it?"

He nods, rummages through his pocket, then pulls out a big wad of pounds. I take it into my hands, count it out, then pull out the bag and hand it to him. He sighs with relief when he places it inside his jacket. I glare at him then talk in a very cold tone, "This is the second time you've been late. Next time you are, the price doubles."

His eyes immediately go wide, "D-doubles!?"

I smirk coldly, "You're right, much to cheap. Triples."

He starts panicking slightly, "n-no please! I'm sorry!"

I shake my head, "When you waste my time, you get consequences. I have deadlines to meet, debts to pay. I don't have time to waste on pathetic druggies like you. I work for more powerful people."

He looks down and nods quickly. I look around outside the alley, then nudge him out, "Go. Don't be late again."

He quickly walks away, and five minutes later I emerge from the shadows and start heading home. I walk for about 10 minutes when I stop suddenly. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up as I hear a familiar rev of a truck. I break out into a run.

The truck of course catches up with me quickly. I try to turn the corner, but run into two looming figures. They push me to the ground, then grab me firmly. The truck comes to a stop. Three figures hop out, and walk towards me. "Well well...look who it is."

I growl, struggling against the men holding me. A girl with sleek black hair, and bright green eyes stands beside me. She glances at me with worried eyes, and whispers to me, "Dammit Phil, why didn't you just pay him?"

I glare at her, whispering back, "It's not like I had the money to do so, Malory."

Another person stands on my other side. I don't recognize him. He must be new. Finally, the final figure steps into the dim yellow light of the street lamp, "Hello Phil."

I give him a cold icy glare, "What do you want!?"

He replies calmly, with a twisted smirk, "You know exactly what I want. I want my money."

"You know I don't have it! I'm working on it, I promise!"

He sighs, "You say that too much. I've given you time. So now you have to pay the consequence."

He nods to Malory, "Put him on his knees."

She looks at him frantically, "C-Chris we don't have to kill him! There has to be some other w-"

He slaps her hard across the face, fury in his eyes "SHUT UP BITCH!"

She holds the cheek he hit, tears streaming down her face, then looks at me with a silent apology. I nod knowingly. She swiftly kicks me behind my leg, making me fall to the ground. I kneel there, head bowed. Chris pulls out a small .45 , and looks at it fondly. He then looks down at me, with what almost seems like slight regret, "It's such a shame I have to kill you. You were one of our best dealers. Cold, detached. You could've done great things. Oh well."

He forces my head up, so I'm looking at him. He positions the gun under my chin. I stare at him coldly, accepting my fate and refusing to show weakness. He cocks the gun. I hear a bang. I feel searing hot pain, Then all I see is black. After a moment I see a blinding white light.

I open my eyes, absolutely confused. All I see is white. I look down at myself. I'm wearing a white outfit. I slowly sit up, looking around. I stand up shakily, and call out, "H-hello?"

Suddenly I hear a booming voice, "PHILIP LESTER!"

I jump at how loud it is, then reply terrified, "Y-y-yes...?"

"Your Judgement day has come."

The sentence pierces through my brain. Judgement day? Does that mean. " I...d-dead?"

"Yes. You died at 12:22 am, in downtown London, England from a gunshot wound  of  a .45 pistol."

I nod slowly, remembering what happened, "So....what happens now..?"

"You have been sentenced guilty. Therefore, you are condemned to eternal damnation in hell."

My eyes go wide. Damnation? I panic, trying to avoid my fate, "N-no, please give me another chance!"

"I'm sorry Philip."

I get on my knees, tears streaming down my face, regretting everything I've ever done, "Please....I'll do anything...I regret so much..."

There is silence for a few moments, then a hesitant reply, "Well....there thing you could do...."

I immediately look up, "Really!? I promise I'll do anything to get a second chance!"

"I believe you. You truly regret and want to change. Unfortunately you can't walk the earth again."

My shoulders drop. It felt hopeless. Then the voice spoke again, "However...There is a way you can redeem yourself and have access to the heavenly paradise."

I perk up again, "What do I have to do!?"

"You can become a human's guardian angel."

I think for a moment. It's obviously an amazing deal. Have to take care of a kid for a while instead of Hell? I nod, "Yes. Please let me do that."

Suddenly the room turns a dark blue-black except for a humanoid figure right in front of me, which was still a blinding bright white. The figure speaks, "You will be assigned to 17 year old Daniel Howell."

The floor changes to a image of a young boy, sleeping. He had a soft face, curly brown hair and a small figure. I've never seen him before, but as I look around his room he seems to have everything a normal teenager wanted. A gaming system, laptop, and a few random devices here and there. I turn back to the figure, "This is him?"


I nod, then smile. How hard can it be to watch a teen? This will be easy. I look back at him, seeing him move slightly in his sleep, "I accept."

Daniel's room fades, and the room is white again. Suddenly there is a pain in my upper back. It lasts for a moment, then I look back. I look at the wings, all I can see is black. I see a mirror and walk in front of it. They're are absolutely beautiful, being pitch black till the very tips, which are snow white. I smile, "They look amazing."

"Yes, they are. But only you can see them. They're invisible to everyone else."

I nod. I look at my reflection one last time, "When do I start?"


AND THAT'S IT GUYS! I really hope you all will love this story! See you next time! BAI!

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