Morning fun

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Heyooo whats up guys? I'm gonna try to make this story slightly more relaxed than my other one. Don't get me wrong there will be alot of...tension. But I just sort of want a bit more comic relief. So little random funny things. Anywho enough about that. ENJOY!

Dan's POV

I pull away from Phil. He seems like a wierdo, but not a bad person. I get up off of my bed and head over to my closet. He looks at me, "What're you doing?"

I pull out a black shirt, "Changing."

"Into what?"

I roll my eyes, "Clothes you spork."

He raises an eyebrow laughing slightly, "Okay one, I meant what outfit. Two, did you seriously just call me a spork?"

I go over to him, "One, black shirt and black skinny jeans. Two, yes I did you spork."

I hit a pillow at him. It makes contact, surprising the both of us. I look at him shocked, "I can h-hit you?"

He looks down at himself, obviously just as shocked, "I guess so. It didn't hurt though so maybe it's like a no pain thing?"

I nod slowly, "Um... okay."

I slip of my shirt and hear Phil gasp. I turn around, making sure my arms are behind my back, "What?"

He looks me up and down, then smirks, "You're hot."

I blush and throw my shirt at him, "Quit being a perv!"

He laughs and nods, "Okay okay."

I slip on my new shirt and then pull off my sweatpants. I hear him comment, "Nice ass, Howell."

I roll my eyes, "Quit being an ass, Lester."

He laughs again. I pull on my skinny jeans, then try to find a belt. I sigh frustrated, "Ugh where the hell is it?"

"Where is what?"

"My belt!" I mutter, "Not that it helps much."

Phil gets up and walks around then points, "Found it."

I quickly put it on, "Thanks."

I hear my mom calling me. I look at Phil, "I'll be back." 

He chuckles, "I'm coming with you."

I sigh then head downstairs, Phil floating behind me. I see mum at the bottom of the stairs, "Yeah?"

"Take the trash out please."

Phil suddenly yells, "MRS. HOWELL! Your son has a nice ass!!"

I blush and quickly take the trash out, then glare at Phil, "Don't. Not cool."

He laughs, "She can't hear."

"Yeah but I can. So stop."

He frowns, "You're no fun. But fineee."

I nod and head back in the house. This guy is such a mess.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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