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Anabel's POV
"Haha you can't do anything can you little girl you're too weak and frail. That's why mommy left you." taunted an ominous voice

"No! Stop it!" Screamed the little girl. She clamped her hands over her ears in attempt to block out the menacing voice but the words just kept coming.

"Even daddy doesn't love you. You know why? BECAUSE YOU KILLED HER!"

"Nooooo!" I jolted up from my bed still screaming. As I try to collect myself I notice that I'm drenched in sweat. Great now I'm going to need a shower before school.

After I finish my shower and get dressed for school I head downstairs to make some breakfast.

"You should make grilled cheese with camembert!"

"Of course Luna anything for you." I laugh quietly and shake my head before making our breakfasts. Mine normal of course.

After I finish cleaning up from breakfast I check the time. "Okay Luna it's 8:10 should we head to school we have 20 minutes till class starts?"

"Ya you still have to apologize to Adrien." I grab my bag and lock the house. I decide to run to school because it's nice and hey I'm part wolf.

I make it to school at 8:22.... Not bad. I head to class but I stop when I see the back of Adrien's head in the library. Perfect. I can apologize now. As I get closer I can see another head but I don't know who she is. I quietly open the door and turn the corner.

My eyes start to flood with tears at the sight in front of me. The new girl is kissing him on his lap and he's doing nothing to stop her. She looks up, sees me and smirks.

Adrien flips his head around and sees me standing in the doorway. He starts to get up but I'm gone before he can get near me.

As I'm running down the hallway I pass Marinette and Alya.

"Hey girl, what's wrong?" Alya asks with a concerned look on her face.

" girl... library.... kissing." that's all I can get out between sobs.

"Anabel! Wait.... I can explain!" I turn to see Adrien running down the hallway. I look at Alya and Marinette not knowing what to do.

"Run girl, we'll stall him." Marinette and Alya give me a reassuring smile so I turn and sprint out the school as fast as I can. I keep running till I reach a wooded clearing and then I stop, sink to my knees, and then continue to sob.

Luna tried to reason by saying that maybe he was setup. But if that was true wouldn't he have tried to push her off?

After what feels like hours of crying I decide that is time to go home. As I turn the corner my house I see a car in the drive way. I really hope that's not Adrien. I sneak around back to try to get into the house without being seen but as I get closer I realize it's one of father's cars.

I walk into the house to see him packing a suit case. "Hey father,  what is happening? Why are you back so soon?"

He turns around quickly. "Anabel why are you not at school!"

"I wasn't feeling good so I came home. I thought you said it would be a week but it's only been a couple days."

"I have to stay longer than I thought. I will be back in two weeks."

"So you're going to miss my birthday?"

"Yes, but I will send you a gift from my meeting."

I hang my head not wanting him to see the tears that are threatening to spill. "Oh, okay. Well I'm going to go sleep. Be safe on your trip."

As soon as I shut my bedroom door I make my way to my bathroom to take a shower. I let my tears be washed away by the water. This is my first birthday he's going to miss. I know that he always wanted to spend my birthdays with me because I couldn't spend it with mom.

I get out of the shower and flop down onto my bed.

"Anabel! Something bad is happening. I can her panicked cries!"

"Alright Luna, Howl On!"

As I make my way to the cluster of panicked people running from a massive meteorite. All the sudden an orange fox fly into the sky and push the meteorite back into the sky.

"Hello citizens! My name is Volpina... Paris's newest hero."

The people cheer for her but something doesn't seem right about her.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir follow me I need your help!" She yells. Wow thanks for the invite. I follow along silently watching her.

"Psst...Ladybug!" I wisper.

"Loup Blanc, Why are you wispering?"

"Because I don't trust the new chick something is off about her."

"I know what you mean I tried to talk to Chat about it but he won't listen to me."

"Don't worry I've got your back." I give her a wink and she giggles.

"I gotta go back so she doesn't get suspicious." I nod and then begin to follow them stealthily. They all split up and I follow Volpina. I watch as she creates a clone of herself and sends them after Ladybug. Illusions! that's her power, I need to tell Ladybug.

I call her on my bracelet. (If you watch the TV series you know how Chat is able to talk to Ladybug with his stick...well this is like that. Her weapon is like a whip that turns into a bracelet.) "Ladybug, we were right! Volpina is one of Hawkmoth's victims. Her power is illusions!"

"Thanks Loup Blanc!" I hang up and start to go after her.

"Oh so you're the new girl people have been talking about. Loup Blanc right? I can't wait to work with you." She smiles at me but I can see right threw it.

"Cut the crap Volpina I know you're one of Hawkmoth's victims." She glares at me and starts to run at me. I dodge her easily I take out my whip and capture her wrist that has her flute.

"Sorry but listening to that thing gives me a headache." I wonder where the akuma is. My eye catches her necklace. That kinda looks like a miraculous. That must be where the akuma is.

I pull on my whip which causes her to stumble. As she's falling I try to reach for her necklace but a pipe stops me.

"Chat what are you doing she's been akumitized." He retracts his pipe.

"Are you sure?" He asks cautiously.

"Who do you trust me or her?" I ask looking deep into his eyes.

"Shes right Chat" Finally Ladybugs here.

"Hahaha even your own partner doesn't trust you." She plays a little tune on her flute and then a bunch of clones appear.

"Alright let's get this over with." I say getting into a fighting stance.

"Lucky charm!" Ladybug uses her power and gets....ear plugs? What...

"Ladybug! Put those in I have an idea!"

"Moonlight Howl!" (This is her power thing .) All the fake Volpinas disappear and the real one is crouching down while holding her ears. I run over and grab her necklace. "Catch Ladybug!" I throw her the necklace.

"Oh you shouldn't have." She flutters her eyelashes and gives me a wink. I laugh and she smashes it and purifies the akuma.

"Good work guys." My miraculous beeps. "Gotta go"

"Bye Loup Blanc" I smile at Ladybug and then start to run off.

"Wait!" Chat yells. "Hey sorry about earlier. I just really thought that she was real."

"I understand if you don't trust me but know that I would never lie to you. I hate liers." I give him a small smile and then start running twards home.

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