chapter 12

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Sunday, December 12th 2010

The group spent 45 minutes that morning trying to find the house were Lucas and Mark lived. They were searching until they found a house with a silver Honda Civic in the driveway. There was a few trees right across from the house. Puck, Mercedes, Tina and Finn were hiding behind the trees while the other Glee members were further down the road. Finn, Puck, Tina and Mercedes watched the house. While the other Glee members took turns to walk past the house to get a closer look. Tina had the program in her hands so she could see the photos of Lucas and Mark.

"This better be the right house." Mercedes said.

"We searched for all over Riverview." Puck said. "This is the only house with a silver Honda Civic."

"This has to be it." Finn said.

"Who's next to walk past the house?" Puck asked.

"Santana. I think." Tina said.

Puck took his phone out to call Santana.

"Santana, your next to walk past the house." Puck said down the phone.

"You are insane!" Santana said back.

"C'mon Santana." Puck said. "We're doing this for Rachel. Remember?"

Santana sighed. "Fine."

"Who's after you?" Puck asked.

"Quinn is next." Santana said. "She also thinks your insane."

"Just shut up and walk past the house. Text me if you notice anything." Puck said before hanging up.

They waited for a moment and then they saw Santana walk past the house. Santana watched the house with the corner of her eye as she walked past it.

When Santana reached the other end of the road she text Puck.

The group jumped when Puck's phone beeped.


The group moaned.

"We're not getting anywhere." Finn said.

They waited for a few minutes and they saw Quinn walk past. Quinn also didn't find anything.

"I don't think we're going to find anything." Mercedes said.

"Look!" Tina gasped and pointed towards the house.

They looked over to see 3 boys walk out of the house. They walked out and got into the car.

"That's them!" Tina whispered as the group hid behind the trees trying not to be spotted.

Puck got his phone out and called Mike. "Guys split up! Their leaving the house."

"What about Quinn and Santana?" Tina said.

"I text them." Finn said. "Their together they'll be fine."

They watched as the car drove out of the driveway and went down the road.

"Did any of you notice anything?" Finn asked

All of them shock their heads.

"I think we should go. We have been here for ages and they might not be back for hours." Tina said.

Mercedes sighed. "Your right. We should call the other and tell them to call this off."

Before leaving, Finn took one last look at the house. He prayed that he would see something. Anything that could tell him where Rachel is. There was nothing.

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