Chapter 1

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A/N - I tried my best! Please don't bully me* 

Redhead sighed, his hands aching from scrubbing the pile of dirty dishes on the sink side, which had been building up the past week due to He Tian's disgusting habit of leaving the plates out and his own reluctance to come round the bastard's house. So far he had got through twelve plates - four of which were covered in sauce stains or food crumbs, nine cups, twenty pieces of cutlery (including both metal and hardwood chopsticks, some spoons and the odd knife and fork) and ten bowls. And yes, he had been counting. But then again, who could blame him? The devil had been glaring holes into the back of his head for more than thirty minutes now and making it plainly obvious as well, not even looking away when Redhead sneaked a peek over his shoulder only to meet his gaze. The only way to get over the sudden awareness of He Tian's staring was to indulge himself in the marvelous, fantastical, amazing world of dirty china and pots slick with decomposing, once-edible remains of fatty foods and slimy pastries, all of which the demon behind him had been countlessly guzzling on without thought seven days prior. Even as he washed the remaining few plates He Tian was nibbling on the end of a swollen chip - just one of the many he had been dragged into a fast food restaurant to buy - and/or slurping the contents from a Pepsi cup, both moved from their greasy containers onto a clean plate or a fresh glass. Eyeing them from over his shoulder, Redhead scowled, knowing full well that he would be forced to wash those too in the next few days. 

"Why so upset, princess?" He Tian asked with a smug smile from behind, his legs cradling the back of a wooden chair and elbows resting on the frame. "Thought you would be happy that I didn't make you cook for me today. Look! I even got us some fast-food." He gestured at the plate of chips and burgers.

Liar, he thought, you forced me to buy that. And then there was... Silence.

"Princess?" He Tian asked again.

Redhead didn't respond, he was too prideful. Answering meant giving in and he was not ready to do that. A chip flew past his head and slid down the kitchen wall, leaving behind a trail of grease in its wake.  


Another chip had a go at being superman and landed perfectly with a little bounce on his shoulder; he brushed it off and watched as it landed with a pit-pat on the floor, then carried on washing again.


This time a whole handful of fries came soaring at him, blanketing him in a cloak of oily potato corpses before dispersing to lay dead on the kitchen floor - though not all chose this path, a few rebels found the collar of his shirt and hid there, meanwhile others took their chances and clung to his locks in desperation, and the last couple (the most rebel of the lot!) completely avoided contact with him altogether and instead tried to make a swim for freedom in the sink. Anger boiled inside of Redhead as he turned to meet He Tian, he could feel his face turning red, eyebrows furrowing together, and his fists clenching hard. The bastard was still sitting backwards on the chair with a triumphant smile and cunning eyes, the plates behind him were now completely desolate of fries: the sole survivor being a giant burger, which Redhead had bought for himself, sitting lonely on its own. At the sight of food he could feel his stomach groan - now He Tian had gone and thrown away all of his chips! Oh how he would love to punch the arrogant arsehole in his perfect face and teach him a lesson - see how that fan club of his would like new and improved He Tian after he had a go at him!  

"You bastard! Are you asking for a fight?!" He shouted, raising his fists and jutting his jaw out. He Tian merely met it with a menacing grin.

Angered by the causality of his nemesis, Redhead reared to insult him again, but by then it was already too late. He had answered; given in; lost.

Sensing the other's defeat, He Tian got up from his chair slowly, like a panther getting ready to pounce. Redhead could feel shivers run down his spine. All previous thoughts of revenge were slowly shrinking with fear, however that didn't stop his flame of anger and he kinda still would like to see He Tian's face messed up. Then the demon began to creep closer towards him. Redhead tensed and raised his fists, following him with the intention to fight. Closer, closer, and closer... Now dread appeared in the back of his mind, whispering consequences and punishments for angering him, but he pushed it down and carried on with his fighting pose.

(19 Days: He Tian x Redhead)The Fox and PantherDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora