Chapter 4

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(^^^hey look, more tumblr trash that I Just LOVE to roll in and laugh myself silly)

Another He Tian POV (#kinda?)
Long(er) chapter

Although all the mess had been cleared and the furniture washed, He Tian was still mad at Redhead for throwing up--a crime he considered to be capital punishment worthy. The fact that the boy had gotten rid of all evidence--apart from the slight smell of cheese which still hung around the carpet area--only slightly lessened the rage that the black haired boy felt. No matter how the other party tried to justify or repent his actions, vomit was a serious offence in He Tian's mind, and such an offence deserved an equal level of punishment. He Tian thought about this for a sec, but nothing came to mind, only the slight pounding which had been numbed down to an almost pitter-patter by the paracetamol, appeared in the back of his brain. Nothing. Feeling frustrated, He Tian decided to find Redhead and then decide on a punishment. Anyway, he had been curious to what the boy had been doing last night--cleaning up the living room obviously being one of them, but there must have been something else--to draw blood from himself.

He Tian started searching the apartment; he had locked the frontdoor from the inside that night so that the ginger boy couldn't escape, so he knew that he had to be in the area. Just the one question remained: where exactly in the area was he? First he decided to check his bedroom to see if he had missed him in his tipsy haze, but the room was barren of hiding spots, with no furniture, apart from a couple of drawers, in which he stored clothes, and the King-sized bed; there was literally no place that the boy could have hidden without being in full sight. Then he checked the living room. Maybe he had somehow wedged himself behind a chair or something? But yet again, Redhead was not there. The kitchen was an ridiculous room to check as, like the bedroom, there were practically no places where he could have hidden himself, so naturally He Tian didn't bother.

The bathroom was the only choice left and He Tian, much to his amusement, found the door unlocked. The boy had certainly become too comfortable in his home. Wrong move, he thought, smirking to himself at Redhead's lazy attitude, just wait till he found him. He'd wish he'd broken down the front door last night instead of staying in his apartment.

And it was with this image in his mind that he invaded the room and found Redhead, head slumped over the side, eyes rolled back, naked and asleep in his bathtub. Frankly to say, He Tian was shocked, and took five minutes in his silence to admire the scene laid out before him. The ginger haired boy looked like an overgrown, ugly baby, especially now as he had curled over to the side and had his hands bending over as if doing a squirrel impersonation. With a hand in his mouth, he stifled all oncoming laughs and simply clutched the bathroom sink in order to stop himself. And when five minutes of stifling laughter passed, He Tian realised that such a gift was a blessing and he could not let the opportunity go to waste. Making sure Redhead's thighs covered his nudity (coz you shouldn't take naked pics of people, kids. That shits illegal.) while getting his full face in view, He Tian took a picture, set it as his lock screen and smiled to himself, good quality material for future blackmailing... and maybe even more.

He had been wise to make Redhead his toy, with him around, nothing seemed to get boring, plus the other boy refused to back down, making him an interesting challenge that He Tian was determined to overcome. As he placed his phone on his bed--since leaving it in the bathroom just asked for trouble--and sat, leaning on the bathtub side, gently stroking Redhead's face; he thought of the ways he was going to punish him. Maybe getting the water running really hot and spraying it from the extended shower head? Or draining the bath and packing it with frozen food instead? Or even taking all towels and clothes from the room and forcing Redhead to walk around in all his (surprisingly large) glory? The last one had been really tempting, but none so far were especially wicked and He Tian had to remind himself that he was dealing with an Class-A criminal in order to cause some inspiration. However, still he could not think of anything even remotely worse, even the idea about waking him up and threatening to spread the picture around the school didn't seem worthy. Instead he just carried on staring and stroking the boy's face, and rested all thoughts of punishment to the side. That could wait for later, he thought as he traced a finger across his lips, becoming fascinated at how soft they were. How pink. How big.

(19 Days: He Tian x Redhead)The Fox and PantherWhere stories live. Discover now