I seriously suck at titles

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Ok to start off I will no longer be putting titles it'll just be like a number or something. If anyone had any requests please please please tell me them I could really use the inspiration. And now...
Once again...no title part 2! Requested by ShaunaGirdler8

"Tony you have to let me see her! She's my only family and you may have well killed her!" Wanda exclaimed struggling against the straight jacket around her arms.

"I know Wanda, and I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit her. I let my anger get the best of me and I'm sorry. But I can't convince them, you're the most dangerous person here. I can try but I'm telling you it won't work." Tears pooled in her eyes as she turned away.

"Please Tony."

"What did she say to you Stark?" Ross pried following Tony to the helicopter.

"She wants to come to her brothers funeral. I told her I'd try to talk to you. I could see what she's going through. If my brother were dead I'd want to go to his funeral too. I'm sure you can relate to Wanda...don't you have a sister?" The general's face dropped visibly. Tony turned to hide his smirk.

"Yes, I visited her last week."

"So I'll be seeing you in a week for the funeral?" The general cleared his throat and nodded.

"Of course, Mr. Stark. We'll make sure Wanda is ready."

~~~Time Skip~~~

"Hey Wanda, ready for Pietro's funeral?" Tony walked up to her prison cell, clothes for her in his bag. She looked up at him in shock and he gave her a look that said 'just go with it' and she nodded. The shock collar and straight jacket were gone but her eyes were still hollow and distant.

"Stark!" The general called as he and Wanda were walking out. They turned.

"Yes, general?"

"I just wanted to pay my respects." He turned to Wanda. "I'm so sorry about your brother. I hope the funeral is nice." Wanda nodded and they turned to the helicopter.

"Alright Ross thinks you're going to Pietro's funeral. But you and I both know that already happened. I haven't heard anything from the hospital but I think Y/N is alive. Steve is supposed to meet us there, considering Barnes has a...thing, um, for her. And Steve said something about wanting to talk to me. So just be prepared. Here's the clothes. You can change back there."



"Thank you for this. She's all I have left and I, I...feel like I owe this to her. And I know Pietro would've wanted to...to see her as well. We were all very...close." Her voice broke and she hurried to change before she could start crying.

"Wanda Maximoff and Tony Stark for
Y/N Maximoff please." Tony checked them in and the secretary toodthem to go up to the 33rd floor. When they got to your room the door was open a crack and Steve and Bucky were already there. Wanda stepped in and eyed your pale, weak figure her eyes filled with tears and she ran over to you. Tony looked at the machines around you.
I did this. I did this to her. Steve never does anything like this. Why do I always screw everything up. Wanda sat on the edge of your bed and took your small hand in hers.


"Yeah, Y/N, I'm here darling."

"I was wondering when you were gonna get here. Bucky and Steve have been here for...for...uh, an...an hour, and a half." Your speech slurred and your eyes started to close. Wanda looked at Steve, panicked.

"It's alright, she's still recovering from the anesthesia. They had to take her in for surgery immediately when we got here." Bucky explained. He was sitting on the other side of her bed. Wow, and hour and a half. He really does love her. Wanda smiled at him and he returned it.

"Hey guys, can I have a minute with Wanda?" You asked. Glancing at Bucky quickly. They nodded and moved to stand outside.



"How did you get out?"

"Tony got me out. He told Ross that I was going to Pietro's funeral."

"Do you have to go back?"

"I...I don't know."


"I know, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry."

"I...I, don't, I don't, blame you." The the anesthesia took over and you fell asleep.

When you woke up Tony was the only one in the room.

"Where's Wanda?"

"Her and Bucky and Steve went to get lunch." You seemed to wake up at the mention of food.

"Ooh, lunch? Do they have sandwiches?" You asked excitedly. Tony chuckled.

"See that tube?" He asked pointing to the tube sticking out of your left arm. "There's your sandwich." You sighed, knowing that there's no way you're getting any food soon.
There is an awkward silence as you stare at the ceiling.

"Why are you and Steve fighting?" You ask med playing with your hospital bracelet.

"Well, he believes that the government should not control what we do and who we save. But I think that if the government were to control what missions we did there would be less citizen casualties." He talked to you as if he werw talking to a small child. "But he doesn't understand that. Because he didn't create Ultron, he didn't cause those deaths in Sokovia. And Barnes killed my parents."

"You realize you both have a common enemy right?" He shook his head.

"No, we don't. His enemy is HYDRA, my enemy is myself."

"Yes but you see, HYDRA created him. Turned him into a monster, used him. He had no choice but to kill your parents because it was all he knew. And he hates himself for it. But you, on the other hand were the creator of Ultron and you hate yourself for it. So really you have the same enemies here. And Steve watched the same organization that took his best friend from him infiltrate a government and that also resulted in death now didn't it. So you can see why he doesn't trust them to make the right decision. Whereas you don't trust yourself to make the right decision. So you want a government who may or may not be corrupt make the decision for you." You finished your speech. Tony looked at you. For once in his life, speechless. All along he had been so concerned with the situation that hadn't slowed down to look at the cause of the situation.

"How old are you?"

"24( if your not 24 that's ok just pretend)"

"Damn. For a 24-year old you sure know a lot."

"I just observe. It does help that I can control people's minds but that wouldn't be helpful in this situation." You replied just as Bucky, Steve, and Wanda walked in. Bucky looked down at you with a concerned look. You gave him a little wave and smiled. He returned the smile and sat down in a chair in the corner.

"Barnes, Steven, can I have a word please." Tony gestured towards the door. Steve looked at him in surprise but nodded and followed him outside. The door closed and Tony turned to the other men.

"Hi, I'm Tony Stark. It's nice to meet you." He said holding his hand out to Bucky. Steve smiled as Bucky shook Tony's hand with his metal one.

"Bucky Barnes. At least to my friends." He replied smiling. Steve clapped Tony on the back, engulfing him in a hug. When they pulled away Tony spoke,

"Alright, now let's do this the civil way."

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