I don't have a title

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"Look T'Challa, I know Steve's in there." Tony said trying to push past him.

"Mr. Stark I'm sorry. I cannot let you in I promised Captain Rogers-" T'Challa was interrupted by the clicking of heels coming down the hall.

"Let him in." A girl with y/h/c hair said walking up behind T'Challa.

"Y/N I don't-"

"Let him in, Barnes is scheduled to have an evaluation today anyways." Tony nodded to the girl and she returned it.

"Bucky and Steve are this way if you would follow me." Y/N said walking down the hall.

"This is a pretty impressive facility T'Challa." Tony remarked as Y/N went to go get the other men.

"She's a big part of it." T'Challa nodded in the direction Y/N went.

"Kinda like Pepper." T'Challa gave Tony a puzzled look. "Never mind." A couple minutes go awkward silence later, Bucky, Steve and Y/N entered the room and Y/N gestured to the open spots on the couch. Bucky looked tense upon seeing Tony but sat down anyway.

"Would anyone like tea or coffee?" Y/N asked.

"Tea please." Bucky told her.

"I'll have some coffee." Tony said glancing down at his trembling hands.

"Sugar or creamer?"

"No thank you."

"And Chai for you Mr. Barnes?"  He nodded. Y/N left and Steve turned to Tony.

"Why are you here?" His tone was harsh.

"What? I can't come see how my friends are?"

"Is that what we are? Are we still friends?" Tony could hear the anger behind his voice and took a different approach.

"I came to see Barnes." Bucky looked at him skeptically, adjusting the jacket that hung on his missing arm. "I wanted to apologize for going all rage monster on you."

"Really? Cuz I'm missing an arm because of you." Y/N came back in then, carrying the tea and coffee.

"If this is how this conversation is going to go I think we should save it for later." T'Challa remarked. Y/N sighed as she handed out the drinks.

"I swear to God if this is how you all are going to act I will put you in time out until you can behave." T'Challa smirked and moved over so she could sit.

A while after Y/N had gotten the boys to have a civilized conversation she took the mugs back into the kitchen. As she washed them she glanced out the two way window. She could vaguely see a couple black vans and a helicopter heading towards the building. Panicked, she put the mugs away and hurried back to T'Challa.

"There's people outside." Tony turned from his conversation with Steve.


"Last time I checked paparazzi don't have helicopters."

"It's Ross." Steve immediately ran down the hall to get his shield. "I can hold him off for a while get everyone else out." Tony didn't argue, he pulled on one of his makeshift repulsors and T'Challa headed towards his quarters for his suit.

"Wait!" Tony called out.


"What about Barnes?" Y/N stood and grabbed a gun from underneath the couch.

"I'll get him out." Tony looked to her in surprise while T'Challa looked at her with complete pride.

"Well alright then."

Sounds of gunshots and repulsor rays echoed in the vents as Y/N and Bucky crawled through them.

"Do you think they're okay?" Bucky asked in a whisper as they prepared to exit into the Wakandan jungle.

"I know so." Y/N replied. Bucky huffed and used his arm to push himself up.

"Alrighty then." Y/N pushed the cover off the vent and crawled out, extending her hand to Bucky. He accepted it and she pulled him up placing the cover back over the vent. She flicked off the safety on her gun and raised it. Bucky and Y/N got about a half mile out before Ross' men found them.

"Get the Winter Soldier!" One shouted pointing at Bucky. Bucky sighed and pulled a gun of his own from his waistband.

"My name is Bucky goddammit." He murmured.

"Look on the bright side! At least you don't have an evaluation now!" She remarked sarcastically, shooting one of the men between the eyes. He scoffed and shot one in the leg taking them out. After a reasonably long exchange of bullets Y/N and Bucky were tired. Y/N's guard went down for a one second and a bullet buried itself in her shoulder.

"Ah, fuck!" She yelled her hand flying to her shoulder. A man grabbed her from behind and yanked on her hair. Bucky whirled to help her but was knocked to the ground by an electric charge. The man held Y/N close and pressed a gun into her temple. She whimpered at the contact. The man pressed harder. Quickly glancing to Bucky she mouthed the word go. He shook his head but she insisted. 'Find Steve.' Bucky hesitated but eventually kicked the man holding a gun to his head leg's out from underneath him and socked him in the jaw. The three seconds was enough and Bucky sprinted away. One of the men started after him but the squad leader waved his hand to dismiss it.

"Leave him. We've got this one."

SUSPENSE BITCHES! Jk none of y'all are bitches but still...hey part two coming up!

Love ya!

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