5. Hear The Knock Knock Knock when she cries.

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*Kate POV*

The rest of the day went on as usual. Turns out that Frank and I have a few more classes together. Avril's nose was apparently broken. (insert smiley face here)

Once school ended I walked out the double doors into the crisp late September air. I began my walk home. Nick was going to his boyfriend's house tonight. Lol yeah he is gay. I don't care though. He is still like a little brother to me. little since he is two months younger than me.

I was about two minutes into my walk when a motorcycle slowly rode next to me as I walked. "Hop on buttercup." the man on it said. Wait. "Frank!" he chuckled and pulled out another helmet. " You shouldn't be riding your motorcycle and telling random people to get on. its creepy." I told him as I took the blue helmet from him.

After I had secured the helmet over my hair, I hopped onto the bike behind him.I held onto the sides of the seat and he gave me a 'Wtf' kind of look. "What?" I asked him, confused.

He sighed sarcastically and grabbed my hands, wrapping them around his waist. I blushed as he started up the motorcycle.

As he pulled up into his driveway, I noticed my dad's car was home for the first time in two months. Frank must have noticed the look of confusion on my face. "What's wrong?" He asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Nothing.. just.. my dad is home" it came out as more of a question. He still looked confused. "ok.. Well you wanna come over and do home work with me?" He asked hopefully.

"Well. I think I should go see my dad. Maybe another time." I replied with a sympathetic and forced smile. I saw disappointment in his eyes. "Ok. See you later." He said sadly and walked into his house without another word.

I frowned and walked across his yard into mine. The door was already unlocked so I walked right in. My dad was sitting on the couch with another person. Looked like a woman from what I could see.

My dad turned around and smiled at me. He is nice most of the time but when he gets mad. he gets MAD.

The woman turned too. She couldn't be more than five years older than me. Her face was caked with make up and her fake eyelashes weren't even in the right place. Her fake breasts were ready bout to pop out of that tiny piece of cloth she probably called a shirt.

"Hi sweetie" she said with a completely forced smile. I looked towards my dad like 'wtf is this crap?'. He stood up and gestured for me to come with him. We walked me into the kitchen. "Sit down Honey." He said obviously nervous about something.

I just looked at him. "Go on." I said to him still not knowing who that whore is. "That woman in there is my fiancé. Her name is Brittany. Now I expect you to be nice to her cause she will be staying with you while I am away. We will be getting married in a week." He said quickly. I saw there staring at him. How dare he?

He doesn't come back for two months, then when he does, he brings back this whore and he expects me to be nice to her and treat her like my mother?! What the hell is wrong with him? The only reason he leaves for long amounts of time is because I remind him too much if my mother. And now he is totally over her? What the actual fuck?!

I can't take it. All I do is run up to my room. I grab my duffle bag and start to fill it with random things I might need. Clothes, my phone charger, headphones, pillow, a blanket and my stash of money I had been saving for a new guitar.

I go to my dresser and take out the blood stained sewing scissors. And the sharpener. This might come in handy.

After zipping up my bag I looked out my bedroom window. Right across from my window was another window on the house next door. The familiar pierced, tattooed, red and black haired boy smiled at you from the window. You smiled and waved back. He motioned for you to come over. You nodded and walked down stairs. Dad and Brittany had left a few minutes ago so I locked the door, duffle bag in hand.

I jogged across my lawn and went to knock on his door. Before my knuckle could touch the door, it flung open to reveal a very smiley frank. "Hi!" he said probably more cheery than he expected. I chuckled He straightened up. "I mean," he leaned against the door frame and lowered his eyes. "Hey." He said trying to sound tough. I laughed again at him. "Stop laughing at me!" He whined like a little kid.

"But your attempt at being cool is funny" I smiled at him. He gave me a playful glare. He then stepped aside for me to walk in. It was pretty nice. Nicer than mine. Not a lot of time to clean when you are a teenage girl living alone.

"Any reason you have a duffle bag?" He asked me walking into the living room. "Well." I started. "Do you want the short or long version?"

"Long" He said

"Well when I was three. My mom got into a really bad car accident. She was killed instantly. My dad got me a nanny until I was 13. He was always away on business. He said that was what he was doing but I knew I just reminded him too much of my mom. So he hasn't been home for almost three months. When I came in, he was with this whore who can't be but a few years older than me. He told me that they were getting married in a week and that I need to be nice to her and treat her like my mom. So I packed my stuff and left." I explained to him.

He was going to say something when there was a sharp knock on the door. I opened it to reveal Brittany standing there. "Come back to our house Bitch. Mommy and Daddy miss you." she said with an evil smile. All I did was slap her and slam the door in her face.

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