8. You're Beautiful To Me

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This pillow is really hard. Why would he even have such a hard pillow? I open my eyes to see my pillow isn't a pillow. It's Frank. Shirtless. * Fangirl Attack*

I look around, remembering last night. I had cut again. I have been doing it a lot since my dad had started leaving, about two years ago. It was just worse that he brought home that whore. Then he nearly killed Frank. It was all my fault.

If I had just gone to a motel or something Frank would be fine. But here he is. Black eye and all. At least we matched...

I should have just killed myself a few weeks ago. I only have one- maybe two friends, and my dad has beat each if them up at least once. I'm gonna do it though. I have no purpose. Nobody loves me. I have nothing. I don't deserve to be alive anymore. I will go into the bathroom at school and get some sleeping pills and just do it. Nike.

*Frank POV*

I wake up to see Kate awake but still laying on my chest, obviously in deep thought. I remember what I saw last night. She must think it is her fault. It isn't her fault her dad is an abusive dick.

I whisper "Good Morning" to her. She looks up at me and gives me a slightly forced smile. "Morning." she replies with a soft voice. I look at the clock and see that we have about an hour and a half until school starts. Kate gets up and walks over to her duffelbag. She pulls out some clothes and a makeup bag and starts to walk out if the room.

I yell "STOP". She quickly turns around and looks at me confused. I motion for her to come over to where I am sitting. She steps towards me.

I point at her makeup bag. "What is in there?" I question her. She looks at it and says "Makeup." I give her a 'really?' look and grab the bag, unlocking my window. I look at her. Then I chuck the bag into a stream behind my house.

"You don't need and of that crap on your face. You are beautiful without it." Whoah. Where is all this sudden confidence coming from?!

She blushes then hugs me. She whispers a thank you then turns to go change. I grab a Fall Out Boy t-shirt and some dark wash skinnies and change quickly.

Kate walks in, Wearing a dark green and black striped tank with a black cardigan over it, with light wash skinnies. She pulls on socks that say Skittles and puts on brown combat boots.

She puts some stuff into her brown leather purse and says "I have to go get some stuff from the store. I will be back in about half an hour."

"Okay. Do you want me to go with you? Maybe we can stop at Starbucks before school." I ask her. She nods a little bit with a big smile. She likes Starbucks. Is it too early to say that I'm in love?

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