The End

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"What is happening!?" Piggeh exclaimed, looking at how hands with were turning transparent. Stephano knelt over Pewdiepie's still body, passing his hands over his face, shutting his wide, unseeing eyes. Mr Chair put a hand on Piggeh's shoulder. As Piggeh turned to look at his friend, he could see his green vest was no longer a dark velvet green. "We only exist because he MADE us exist," Mr Chair explained. "Now that he is gon….so will we"

"He's right," Stephano said, looking at his two companions, "We have done all we can, we were with him to the end,"

The other two knelt beside the body of their Creator.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," Piggeh began to sob.

"Us too, Piggeh," Mr Chair agreed, looking at Pewd's peaceful features with silent tears streaming down his face.

"C'mon Bros, we will still be together," Stephano tired to smile. He could see the wall through the both of them now, as if they were nothing but ghost. Trying to not let it bother him Stephano raised a fist to his friends, keeping the smile of his face. "Bro fist, one last time,"

The other two smile back at the golden man, genuine and warm. And they put their fists against one another's for the last time until they dissappeared, as if they had never existed.

If you ask anyone who was there when Pewdiepie's body was found they will tell you this:

They found the body of Felix kjellberg beside a green chair, with a dead pig beside him, and on his chest, a small golden statue with a kneeling man holding a sword.

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