Letters From Mr. Chair

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Hey, I'm so glad you came to visit me the other day. Don't worry my wounds will heal, thats what you get from being such a light weight chair haha. But again I want say thank you, the flowers you brought were beautiful. I'm so glad to be able to rest. it's not easy following Pewds around, but he is so silly sometimes, getting himself into danger and myself and the others do out best to protect him. Even if we get a bit hurt. But thats okay, thats what friends do right? I'd do it for you.

Thanks again my dear,I'll see you when I get out

Your friend

Mr. Chair



I'm writing to you from this lonely dungeon. I hope you aren't lonely and I hope you're okay with me taking your place. I would never want you to come here, the creature here is terrifying! His face is so deformed with a massive jaw and he has these massive claws and there are these naked men that appear from no where! Thankfully I can use my "Activate" powers to evade I would never want you here. Don't worry about me though, I'm happy I did this for you. It's not all bad here, I have made friends with a statue named Stephano, he says that someone is going to save us. But I'm afraid the monster might hurt me if I do. I don't know what to do. I hope this letter finds you and that you are safe and well. And if this hero, Pew-die-pie, comes to rescue me I'll see you soon.

Don't forget what I have taught you, if you are ever scared or lonely don't forget to "Chair Mode Acitvate" and it will hide you. I pray he doesn't come for you.

Be safe my dear, you are in my thoughts


Mr. Chair


Dear XX

I'm writing to you one last time. This is my goodbye. I hope you don't feel too sad it doesn't hurt so much now. I did it Hannah, like you told me too. I stood up to the Barrels, told them not to hurt Pewds and the others, I wasn't going to be a part of their plan. They weren't going to use me anymore to scare Pewds. I hope he doesn't hate me for the times I did, I was just so scared and confused. He got away this time, Stephano and Piggeh too. I distracted the monster enough to give them time. He threw me again the wall….I can't feel my feet. I feel so cold. I know I will never see you again but you are my best friend and I am so honoured to know you. When you get this, could you tell Pewds and Stephano and Piggeh that I'm sorry.

Chair Mode Activate

Mr. Chai…..

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