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Piggeh slammed Mr Chair against the wall, his face ablaze with anger as he stood over the cowering chair. "How could you!?" He thundered. "How could you scare Pewds like that!?"

"I-I-I had n-no choice Piggeh," Chester stammered.

"NO CHOICE!? YOU always have a choice!" Piggeh threw himself away from Chester, clentching his fist. "I'm so PUMPED with anger and Stephano isn't happy with you either,"

Mr Chair stayed at the wall and whispered, "I had too…"

"What!" Piggeh spun around glaring at the man in green.

"I had too," he said meekly, "They said….if i didn't….they would come after you,"

Piggeh's eyes widened, "Ches…."

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