Chapter 3

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Luckily for me, Joey's curly dark hair was visible at the end of the hallway, even through the crowd of students.
"Joey!" I called, pushing my way through a stuck up group of eighth grade girls who thought it was a good idea to gossip in the middle of the hallway.
Joey heard me, turned around and, unlike me, politely made his way through the students.
I waited for him, and while I did I heard one of the snobby girls whisper to one of her friends. Something about retards and should just kill themselves.
Hold up. I am not a violent person normally, but I was ready to rip their perfectly manicured fingernails out and stab them into their eyeballs.
I didn't even know those girls. Why would they feel the need to say something so insulting for virtually no reason?
Calling people retarded, a faggot, (which they totally said about Justin last week),or telling them to kill themselves was a good way to get slaughtered in my book.
The girls giggled and my hands rolled into fists. Those bitches.
I turned, raising my fists at one of the girls.
"Look, missy," I started threateningly.
Joey was standing next to me now, and by the worried look on his face, he knew how mad I was and how I was about to punch the girls in front of  me.
"Okay. Let's go now." He started, attempting to pull me away. "Laney? You okay there? What is it this time? Did someone say something to you?" He asked, now obviously distraught, probably thinking they said something rude about me. Ha. Then he would be the one killing those girls.
I sighed. "I'll explain on the way to first period." I murmured, lowering my gaze to the ground, then crossed my arms and wedged my hands into my armpits, a nervous quirk I had.
He nodded, realizing I wasn't okay when my hands went into my armpits.
He knew my nervous ticks. I knew his.
When he gets nervous he picks at the inside of his ears and loud mouth- breathes until he is seconds away from hyper ventilating.
Joey comfortingly settled his hand on my lower back and glared at the girls, who were snickering.
Pursing his lips, the way he did when he was about to say something snobby, he remarked, "Have a nice day ladies." He paused, scoffing, probably trying to act sophisticated before continuing,
"Actually, I genuinely hope you have a nice, long life, because when you die, you are going to get all the heat you dish out to other people times a thousand in hell."
He smiled, and turned on his heel, leaving those idiots slack jawed and he pushed on my back to get me to move toward first period.
One girl quickly recovered and called after us, "you both are complete assholes. No wonder you're a couple. You are the same person." She sneered, not knowing how awful her comeback game was.
He cleared his throat at that comment, blushed scarlet, and moved his hand from my back and put his finger inside his ear. Gross.
"You didn't have to do that." I trailed off, But smiled, both of us knowing I'm glad he said something.
He scoffed. "Of course I did. That's what best friends are for. Now tell my why you are upset today because I know it's not because of those girls back there. You usually aren't fazed by jerks, let alone feel the need to punch them." He stopped outside our classroom door and leaned against the frame.
"They said some rude things about you. And they assumed that we were together. Does everybody?" I crossed my arms and scrunched my nose at the thought.
"I hope not. I could do so much better." He joked.
I was glad he didn't comment on the fact I went John Cena on people that insulted him.
I laughed. "As if."
   Letting out a long breath, I met his warm eyes cautiously.
"It's Carla. She is just being really frustrating lately."
He frowned. "Why don't you just tell the police that your last living relative in this town is a raging alcoholic? They will take you out of her house. They already knew she is just taking you in for the money." He noted, a sad smile on his face.
"Because then they will move me to live with my cousin in Vermont. Anyway, I'll be eighteen soon. And we are all leaving high school in a few weeks. I want to have as much time with all you guys as possible. I don't want to be relocated. I can take her." I assured, wrapping my arms around his neck in a quick hug.
"And you wonder why people think we are a couple." He teased. Joey then got me in a headlock and rubbed his knuckles against the top of my head.
"My hair!" I complained, arms desperately flailing at his face to get him off me.
   "Ow!" I screamed.
Of course, he immediately let go, worried he hurt me.
   I combed through my bangs with my fingers and when I looked up, took in his appearance.
I almost laughed out loud. His curly hair had odd indents from my hands pressing his overly-jelled hair onto his head when I was trying to get him to let go, his thick glasses were on the tip of his nose at an awkward angle, and his acne covered skin was even more red than usual from me hitting him.
"You look bad." I told him honestly.
"Badass." He argued, unfazed by my comment, silver retainer gleaming in his mouth.
"Sure. Because badasses like computer programming and chess." I stick my tongue out at him.
He clutched his hand to his heart. "I'm hurt." He said dramatically.
"Good thing you aren't into drama. You are a horrible actor. Anyway, all of your friends are meeting at the photography studio at five. Hal doesn't need to be at dance until eight, I don't have a shift at the Diner, no band practice or play practice, and Bunny doesn't have to meet with a client. You are coming, aren't you?" I asked.
"Of course I am. It will be one of the last times we will all be together for a while." He trailed off.
"Hey. Don't be sad. The reason we planned this is to work out a visiting schedule for our last few weeks together. We will see each other way more often now."
I adjusted his glasses, and pretended to not notice him blush at my sudden closeness.
"Geez. Avoid open flame. I'm pretty sure your hair would light up in seconds." I told him after I did my best to fix his hair.
He carelessly threw his arm around my shoulders and I caught a whiff of a surprisingly masculine cologne as we walked into class.
"You better not be bringing snacks or are in charge of music tonight. Remember my birthday last year, when you made me a birthday cake and I found your band aid in it? Then though you could make it up to me by putting Darryl Hall and John Oates on a loop?"He demanded, though I knew he thought it was funny when I danced around his kitchen like a blind penguin.
I scowled. "I'll have you know that I made breakfast this morning for the girls and they loved it."
"No band aid this time?" He asked as he slipped into his desk, which happened to be right next to mine.
"Nope." I said, slapping his arm.
"Well, at least you now know that eighties pop hits are just about the worst." He rolled his eyes.
"Are not. Why would have I learned that? It's a total lie. You are the worst." I crossed my arms and glared at him, embarrassed at my rambling.
My music taste was awesome. There's a reason they were hits thirty years ago.
"But you love me. And by the way, You look so adorable when you glare at me. It's like a kitten that thinks it's a lion." He pursed his lips, triumphant.
"That analogy is from Twilight. The book, not the movie. Now I know you read the book. Actually, that is a piece from the unreleased book. Midnight Sun? So, you cared enough to find the PDF online." I informed him as I leaned over and smacked my hand against his face. "Nice try, sweet cheeks." I pinched his cheek and then leaned back in my chair, knowing the bell was seconds away from ringing, and blushing as I realized when I touched his face he probably thought I was going in to kiss him, based on the fact that he was leaning in, looking at my mouth. And I actually didn't feel the need to puke knowing it.
Suddenly I realized what we must look like. No wonder people assumed we were together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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